EPIC Test Compendium Alpha
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Displaying 48 result(s) for "Stool"

# Rank Epic Display Name Cerner Name SCM Name AEHR Name Cerner PDM EPIC Procedure Master Number Informatics Workgroup
1. 125 Ova and Parasite Examination, Stool Ova and Parasites Ova and Parasites Ova and Parasites 6201286 LAB955 ID Micro
2. 137 Fecal Occult Blood ST OCC BLD Occult Blood, Feces Occult Blood, Feces 5600215 LAB11476 Chemistry
3. 170 Fecal Immunochemical Occult Blood (FIT) Fecal Occult Blood Immuno Fecal Occult Blood Immunology Fecal Occult Blood Immunology 5600214 LAB10696 Chemistry
4. 176 Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) Molecular Detection CDIFF BY PCR Clostridium difficile Toxin by PCR Cdiff Toxin PCR 6350700 LAB11480 ID Molecular
5. 178 Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel Molecular Detection GI PCR Panel Stool GI PCR Panel Stool GI PCR Panel, Stool 2162433 LAB1901 ID Molecular
6. 224 Stool Culture C STL Culture - Stool Culture - Stool 6201155 LAB223 ID Micro
7. 245 Fecal Calprotectin Calprotectin, Fecal Calprotectin, Stool Calprotectin, Fecal 5960000 LAB10045 Chemistry
8. 332 Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) Antigen, Stool H.Pylori AG Stool Helicobacter pylori Antigen, Stool Helicobacter Pylori Antigen, Stool 5900721 LAB397 ID Serology
9. 390 Fecal Pancreatic Elastase Pancreatic Elastase, Fecal Pancreatic Elastase, Fecal Elastase, Stool 5906770 LAB979 Chemistry
10. 399 Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) GDH Toxin A/B C Diff GDH Toxin A&B EIA C. difficile GDH & toxins A/B by EIA 5700550 LAB257 ID Serology
11. 499 Giardia/Cryptosporidium Antigen Giardia Antigen Giardia lamblia Antigen, Stool Giardia lamblia Antigen, Stool 6201298 LAB1319 ID Micro
12. 503 Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) GDH Toxin A/B with Reflex to Molecular Detection C diff Toxin/GDH w/Rflx to PCR C diff Toxin/GDH w/ Reflex to PCR 1959728 LAB10697 ID Serology
13. 655 Fecal Lactoferrin, Quantitative Lactoferrin, Fecal, Quantitative Lactoferrin, Quantitative, Stool Lactoferrin, Quantitative, Stool 1559433 LAB1040 Chemistry
14. 666 Fecal Fat, Qualitative Stool Fat Qualitative Stool Fat, Qualitative Level Stool Fat, Qualitative Level 5901220 LAB11487 Chemistry
15. 909 Occult Blood Stool Screen, Multiple Specimen Occult Blood Stool Screen Occult Blood, Feces Multiple Specimen 5600210 LAB11491 Chemistry
16. 957 Fetal Fibronectin Fetal Fibronectin Fibronectin, Fetal Fibronectin, Fetal 5302478 LAB287 Chemistry
17. 999 Stool pH PH Stool pH, Stool pH, Stool 5600220 LAB109 Chemistry
18. 1019 Stool Osmolality Osmolality Stool Osmolality, Stool Osmolality, Stool 5302467 LAB201 Chemistry
19. 1041 Rotavirus Antigen Rotavirus EIA Rotavirus Antigen, Stool by EIA Rotavirus Antigen, Stool by EIA 6400020 LAB443 ID Serology
20. 1042 Wright Stain, Stool Wrights Stain Stool Wright Stain, Stool Wright Stain, Stool 5501015 LAB11493 Hematology
21. 1054 Entamoeba histolytica Antigen E.Histolytica Ag, EIA Stool Entamoeba Histolytica Antigen EIA E.Histolytica Ag, EIA Stool 1459000 LAB11494 ID Sendouts
22. 1094 Mycobacterial (AFB) Culture Acid Fast Stool Culture - Acid Fast - Stool w/Smear Culture - Acid Fast - Stool w/Smear 6201258 LAB11495 ID Micro
23. 1104 Stool Alpha-1-antitrypsin Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Stool Alpha 1 Antitrypsin, Stool Alpha 1 Antitrypsin, Stool 5910060 LAB558 Chemistry
24. 1132 Infection Control Culture ESBL Infection Control Culture ESBL Culture - Infection Control ESBL Infection Control Culture ESBL 227372 LAB12518 Infectious Disease
25. 1167 Stool, Electrolyte Panel Electrolytes, Stool Electrolyte Panel, Stool Electrolyte Panel, Stool 5302935 LAB388 Chemistry
26. 1175 Stool Sodium Sodium, Stool Sodium, Stool Sodium, Stool 5302920 LAB198 Chemistry
27. 1177 Ova and Parasite Examination, Other Ova/Parasite Other Ova and Parasite, Other Ova and Parasite, Other 6201290 LAB11806 ID Micro
28. 1184 Fecal Reducing Substances Reducing Substances Stool Fecal Reducing Substance Fecal Reducing Substance 5600225 LAB442 Chemistry
29. 1189 Stool Potassium Potassium, Stool Potassium, Stool Potassium, Stool 5302925 LAB577 Chemistry
30. 1272 7AC4, Bile Acid Synthesis 7AC4, Bile Acid Synthesis, S Bile Acid Synthesis, Serum (7AC4) 7AC4, Bile Acid Synthesis S 1759556 LAB11020 Chemistry
31. 1331 Pinworm Examination Pinworm Prep Pinworm Prep Pinworm Prep 6201299 LAB248 ID Micro
32. 1343 Occult Blood, Gastric Occult Blood Gastric Occult Blood, Gastric Occult Blood, Gastric 5600217 LAB696 Chemistry
33. 1405 Shiga Toxin, Stool SHIGA TOXIN Shiga Toxin E.Coli Shiga Toxin 6400035 LAB2002 ID Sendouts
34. 1428 Fecal Fat, Quantitative Fecal Fat 72 Hour Fecal Fat 72 Hour Fecal Fat 72 Hour 5900566 LAB11064 Chemistry
35. 1447 Norovirus (Groups 1 and 2) Molecular Detection Norovirus RT-PCR Norovirus RT-PCR Norovirus RT-PCR 5900095 LAB11827 ID Sendouts
36. 1450 Salmonella Antibody (Total) Salmonella, Total Antibody, EIA Salmonella, Total Antibody, EIA Salmonella, Total Antibody, EIA 145902017 LAB1267 ID Sendouts
37. 1505 Stool Chloride Chloride, Stool Chloride, Stool Chloride, Stool 5302930 LAB10700 Chemistry
38. 1507 Microsporidia Examination Microsporidia Microsporidia Smear Microsporidia Smear 6201288 LAB11831 ID Micro
39. 1565 Microsporidia species Molecular Detection, Stool and Urine Microsporidia, PCR Microsporidia, PCR Microsporidia, PCR 1859779 LAB11836 ID Sendouts
40. 1683 Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) Culture with Reflex to Susceptibility Testing H. pylori, Cult w/Rflx to Susceptibility Culture - Helicobacter pylori with Reflex to Su Helicobacter pylori, Culture w/ Reflex to Susceptibility 1859717 LAB11841 ID Sendouts
41. 1916 Stool Chymotrypsin Chymotrypsin Chymotrypsin Chymotrypsin 5902340 LAB11187 Chemistry
42. 9999 POCT-Stool Multi Sample Hemoccult Manual Result EPIC_117473 POCT
43. 9999 POCT Occult blood stool One Step iFOB (FIT) Manual Result EPIC_117488 POCT
44. 9999 POCT occult blood stool (1 sample) Hemaprompt Manual Result PROC456 POCT
45. 9999 POCT occult blood stool (multi sample) Hemaprompt Manual Result EPIC_183374 POCT
46. 99989 Stool Phenolphthalein Phenolphthalein Feces Phenolphthalein, Feces Phenolphthalein, Feces 1559017 LAB425 Tox/TDM
47. 99989 Reflex Stool Culture Reflex Stool Culture Reflex Stool Culture 227134 LAB11544 ID Micro
48. 99989 Cryptosporidium/Giardia Antigen Cryptosporidium/Giardia Antigen Cryptosporidian/Giardia Antigen 237377 LAB12477 ID Micro