Oligoclonal Banding OLIGO


Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Oligoclonal Bands, CSF

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Oligoclonal Bands, CSF

EPIC Order Name

CSF, Oligoclonal Bands

Clinical Info

Oligoclonal Bands (IgG), CSF - Oligoclonal bands are present in the CSF of more than 85% of patients with clinically definite multiple sclerosis (MS). To distinguish between oligoclonal bands in the CSF due to a peripheral gammopathy and oligoclonal bands due to local production in the CNS, serum and CSF should be tested simultaneously. Oligoclonal bands can however be observed in a variety of other diseases, e.g., subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, inflammatory polyneuropathy, CNS lupus, and brain tumors and infarctions.
Serum and spinal fluid are required for this test

Specimen Type

Blood, CSF


Gold-top tube(s) or plain, red-top tube(s) AND CSF Tube

Collection Instructions

Serum and spinal fluid are required for this test.

Container/Tube: Gold-top tube(s) or plain, red-top tube(s)
Specimen: 1 mL of serum (0.5 mL min)
Transport Temperature: Refrigerate
Collection Instructions:
Note: Indicate serum on request form.
2. Label specimen appropriately (serum).

Spinal Fluid
Container/Tube: Screw-capped, sterile vial
Specimen: 1 mL of spinal fluid (0.5 mL min)
Transport Temperature: Refrigerated. Maintain sterility and forward promptly.

Note: Label specimen appropriately (spinal fluid/ Serum).

Transport Instructions


Specimen Stability

8 Hours Room Temperature
5 Days Refrigerated
14 Days Frozen


Isoelectric focusing(IEF)

Days Performed

TAT: 5-7 Days

Performing Laboratory

Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute,


LOINC Code: 12782-9



Result Interpretation

Oligoclonal Bands Absent

