HLX CG Chromosome Analysis; Constitutional CASE Chr Ana Const


Chromosome Analysis, Chorionic Villi (CVS)
Chromosome Analysis, Amniotic Fluid (AM)
Chromosome Analysis, Peripheral/Cord Blood (PB)
Chromosome Analysis, Skin Biopsy
Chromosome Analysis, Products of Conception (POC)

Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Chromosome Analysis Constitutional

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Not Orderable

EPIC Order Name

HLX CG Chromosome Analysis, Constitution

Clinical Info

Diagnosis of chromosome abnormalities, including aneuploidy, structural abnormalities, and balanced rearrangements

Specimen Type

Blood, Tissue, CVS/Amnio


Sterile container (prenatal, POC, and tissue specimens); Green-top (sodium heparin) tube(s) (peripheral/cord blood)

Collection Instructions

Send to the laboratory ASAP at room temperature 20-25˚C. 
If there is a delay in transportation, store the sample in a refrigerator at 4˚C-.  DO NOT FREEZE
NOTE: Pertinent medical information including suspected diagnosis are required                         
Amniotic Fluid: 20 mL in two sterile conical tubes                                                                         
Chorionic Villi: 5 - 10 mg in sterile saline or transport media                                                         
Peripheral Blood: Adult 5-10 mL, Newborn 2-5mL in sodium heparin dark green tube. Invert the tube several times to prevent coagulation. 
Products of Conception (POC): Products of Conception (POC)-- 5-10 mg placental villi or 1 cm umbilical cord in sterile tube with sterile saline or transport media (RPMI). *Please contact the cytogenetics lab to order RPMI: NSUHCulturedCellRequest@northwell.edu

Transport Instructions

Room Temperature

Specimen Stability

48 hours room temperature
If specimen cannot be sent promptly, refrigerate and send ASAP


Days Performed

Monday through Saturday
Turnaround Times:
Chorionic Villi and Amniotic Fluid: 7 - 14 Days
POC and Tissue: 14 - 28 Days
Peripheral Blood: 10 - 14 Days

Performing Laboratory

Northwell Health Laboratories


CPT code varies by specimen type. Please see CPT code form attached below


5160060, 5160080, 5160090, 5160130, 5160865

Result Interpretation

