Encephalopathy Autoimmune Eval, S ENS2


Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Encephalopathy Autoimmune Eval, S

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Encephalopathy, Autoimmune Evaluation, Serum

EPIC Order Name

Encephalopathy, Autoimmune/Paraneoplastic Evaluation, Serum

Clinical Info

Mayo code ENS2
Evaluating new onset encephalopathy (noninfectious or metabolic) comprising confusional states, psychosis, delirium, memory loss, hallucinations, movement disorders, sensory or motor complaints, seizures, dyssomnias, ataxias, nausea, vomiting, inappropriate antidiuresis, coma, dysautonomias, or hypoventilation in serum specimens

The following accompaniments should increase of suspicion for autoimmune encephalopathy:
-Autoimmune stigmata (personal or family history or signs of diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorder, vitiligo, poliosis [premature graying], myasthenia gravis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus)
-History of cancer
-Smoking history (20+ pack years) or other cancer risk factors
-Inflammatory cerebral spinal fluid (or isolated protein elevation)
-Neuroimaging signs suggesting inflammation

Evaluating limbic encephalitis (noninfectious)

Directing a focused search for cancer

Investigating encephalopathy appearing in the course or wake of cancer therapy and not explainable by metastasis or drug effect

Specimen Type



Red Top Tube

Collection Instructions

Container/Tube: Gold Top or Red Top Tube
Specimen: 4.0 mL serum (2.5 mL min)

Patient Preparation:
1. For optimal antibody detection, specimen collection is recommended prior to initiation of immunosuppressant medication or intravenous immunoglobulin treatment.
2. This test should not be requested in patients who have recently received radioisotopes, therapeutically or diagnostically, because of potential assay interference. The specific waiting period before specimen collection will depend on the isotope administered, the dose given, and the clearance rate in the individual patient. Specimens will be screened for radioactivity prior to analysis. Radioactive specimens received in the laboratory will be held 1 week and assayed if sufficiently decayed, or canceled if radioactivity remains.
3. Patient should have no general anesthetic or muscle-relaxant drugs in the previous 24 hours.

Transport Instructions


Specimen Stability

72 Hours Room Temperature
28 Days Refrigerated or Frozen


Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA)
Cell-Binding Assay (CBA)
Western Blot (WB)
Immunoblot (IB)
Radioimmunoassay (RIA)

Days Performed

TAT: 9-13 Days

Performing Laboratory

Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester


86255 x 23
LOINC Code: 94697-0



Result Interpretation

See Report

