Syphilis Screen SYPH SCRN


Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Syphilis Screen

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Syphilis Screen

EPIC Order Name

Treponema pallidum (Syphilis) Antibody with Reflex to Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR)

Clinical Info

This test is the first step of the Reverse Syphilis Screening algorithm. Positive Treponema pallidum antibody test results will reflex to RPR for confirmation. Discordant samples will be tested with an alternative Treponemal assay.

Specimen Type



Gold Top Tube

Collection Instructions

Container/Tube: Gold-top tube(s)
Specimen: 1 mL of serum
Transport Temperature: Refrigerate

Specimen Storage:
Specimens must be centrifuged and refrigerated after draw to maintain stability/integrity Syphilis specimen should be kept refrigerated between 2-8° Centigrade/Celsius.
Stability: 7 Days Refrigerated

Transport Instructions


Specimen Stability

7 Days Refrigerated


Chemiluminescent  Immunoassay
This test is for screening Syphilis with equivocal or positive reflex to RPR

Days Performed

Monday through Sunday, Continuously

Performing Laboratory

Northwell Health Laboratories





Result Interpretation

< 0.90 Index -   Negative 
No serological evidence of infection with Treponema pallidum (incubating or early primary syphilis cannot be excluded).
0.90 to 1.09 Index-   Equivocal 
The equivocal sample should be repeat tested. Samples which are negative after a second testing should be considered negative. Samples which are positive at the second testing should be considered positive. In case the result remains in this range after repeat  testing, a second sample should be collected and tested no less than one or two weeks later
≥1.10 Index-  Positive
 Presence of detectable Treponema pallidum total antibodies

