Metanephrine Plasma METANPL


Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Metanephrine, Plasma

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name


EPIC Order Name

Metanephrines, Plasma

Clinical Info

Evaluation of catecholamine-secreting tumors of the adrenal medulla (pheochromocytomas) and extra-adrenal sympathetic and para-sympathetic paragangliomas.

Specimen Type



Lavender Top Tube

Collection Instructions

Container/Tube: Lavender-top (EDTA) tube
Specimen: 0.6 ml EDTA plasma (0.4 mL min)
Transport Temperature: Refrigerated
Stability: Room Temperature Unstable
Refrigerated 14 Days
Frozen 14 Days

Note: Draw blood in chilled lavender-top (EDTA) tube. Invert to mix with preservatives. Centrifuge and transfer the plasma to a labeled plastic transport tube. Refrigerate or freeze separated plasma immediately. Important: The patient should be in a fully recumbent position (lying down) for at least 20 minutes before and during sample collection.

Patient Preparation:: Patient should be fasting overnight (water and non-caffeinated soft drinks are permissible). Patient should avoid alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco and strenuous exercise prior to collection. See Limitations section for more information about other potential causes of elevated Metanephrines..

Transport Instructions


Specimen Stability

Room Temperature Unstable
Refrigerated 14 Days
Frozen 14 Days


Liquid chromatography/tamdem mass spectrometry (LC/MS-MS)
Measures Metanephrine and Normetanephrine

Days Performed

TAT: 4 - 7 Days

Performing Laboratory



TAT 4 - 7 Days



Result Interpretation

Age Male Female
All Ages 0–88.0 0–88.0
Normetanephrine, Pl
Age Male Female
0 to 4 y Not established Not established
5 to 17 y 0–86.1 0–86.1
18 to 29 y 0–107.7 0–107.7
30 to 39 y 0–110.1 0–110.1
40 to 49 y 0–125.8 0–125-8
50 to 59 y 0–136.8 0–136.8
>59 y 0–191.8 0–191.8

Adult reference intervals applied to free metanephrines were originally developed by Eisenhofer and coworkers27 and further validated in subsequent studies.25,26 Recognizing the potential deadly consequences of a missed diagnosis, cutoffs of reference were established to ensure optimum diagnostic sensitivity, with specificity a secondary consideration. Subjects fasted and abstained from caffeinated and decaffeinated beverages overnight. Plasma samples collected after at least 20 min of supine rest. For plasma metabolites, optimal performance was obtained using age-specific reference intervals for normetanephrine,25,27 and for metanephrine single cut-offs for males and females that were slightly above 99.5 percentiles contributed to optimized performance.25-26

