Joint Culture C JOINT


Synovial Fluid culture

Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Joint Culture

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Culture - Joint

EPIC Order Name

Joint Culture

Clinical Info

To aid in the diagnosis of suspected septic arthritis and prosthetic joint infection. Acceptable specimen types include synovial fluid as well as bone/tissue from joint sources. Cultures will be held for 14 days for potential growth of Cutibacterium (previously Propionibacterium) species. For rapid diagnosis of the most common pathogens from synovial fluid sources only, order "Joint Fluid Pathogen Panel, Molecular Detection".

Specimen Type

Body Fluid, Tissue, Other


Fluid collected in a screw-capped sterile tube or other sterile leak-proof container (minimum volume: 1 mL). Do not submit syringes with needles attached. Joint Tissue can be submitted in a screw-capped sterile leak-proof container.

Collection Instructions

1. Disinfect overlying skin with 70% alcohol.
2. Aspirate joint fluid using a sterile needle and syringe.
3. Place the joint fluid in a screw-capped sterile tube or other sterile leak-proof container (minimum volume: 1 mL). Do not submit syringes with needles attached.
4. Label container with patient’s name (first and last), date and actual time of collection, and type of fluid specimen.
5. Maintain sterility and forward promptly at ambient temperature. Note: Specimen source is required on request form for processing.

Transport Instructions

Transport promptly at ambient temperatures.

Specimen Stability

Transport to the lab as soon as possible. Do not refrigerate. (Irretrievable specimen)


Microbiology Culture (aerobic and anaerobic)
Includes Gram stain (only for fluid or Eswab), organism identification, and susceptibility testing, if indicated.

Days Performed

Monday through Sunday

Performing Laboratory

Northwell Health Laboratories





Result Interpretation

Reference Range: No Growth

