Ova and Parasites P STL


Stool Parasite

Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Ova and Parasites

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Ova and Parasites

EPIC Order Name

Ova and Parasite Examination, Stool

Clinical Info

Ova and Parasite Examination is used to detect gastrointestinal parasites including helminths, cestodes, and protozoa in preserved stool specimens. A complete exam includes microscopic evaluation of both a concentrated iodine-stained wet preparation and a permanent stained (Trichrome) preparation. Optimal sensitivity is obtained by collecting three serial stool specimens over the course of three days.

Specimen Type



Para- Pak [consists of 2 vials: 1) PVA- Polyvinyl-Alcohol vial and 2) Formalin via]
Total-Fix also acceptable.
REJECTION CRITERIA: Unpreserved stool; Specimens containing interfering substances (barium, castor oil, bismuth, Metamucil, those contaminated with urine; Stool preserved in medium other than parasitology fixatives noted; specimen sent in diaper or tissue paper are not acceptable; Frozen specimens. 

Collection Instructions

1. Submit stool specimen using Ova & Parasite Collection Kit.
2. Place 1 g of stool in polyvinyl alcohol vial (PVA), and 1 g of stool in 10% formalin vial.
Specimen must be placed in preservative within 1 hour of collection.
3. Label container with patient’s name (first and last), date and actual time of collection.(Use labels generated with at least 2 patient identifiers)
4. Forward promptly at ambient temperature.

Ideal specimen collection for optimum sensitivity involves collecting three consecutive stool specimens. Stool specimens should be collected every other day or within a timeframe of no more than 10 days.
For hospitalized patients, stools will only be accepted within the first three days of admission.

Transport Instructions

Room temperature (preserved specimen)

Specimen Stability

Room Temperature or Refrigerated - 6 months


Iodine Wet mount and Trichrome Stain

Days Performed

Monday through Friday

Performing Laboratory

Northwell Health Laboratories-Little Neck Parkway


87177 (O + P Concentration, Iodine direct smear)
87209 (Trichrome Stain)



Result Interpretation

No parasites seen

