Kidney Stone Urine Test STONEDIAG


Supersaturation profile, 24 Hr Urine

Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Kidney Stone Urine Test

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Kidney Stone Urine Test

EPIC Order Name

Stone Risk Diagnostic Profile

Clinical Info

Diagnosis and management of patients
with renal lithiasis:
-Predicting the likely composition of
the stone, in patients who have a radiopaque stone, for whom stone analysis is
not available
 -May aid in designing a treatment program
 · Aiding in identification of specific risk factors for stones using a 24-hour urine collection
 · Monitoring the effectiveness of therapy by confirming that the crystallization potential has indeed decreased
 · Evaluating kidney excretion of acid and urine pH
 · Estimating a patient's protein intake

Specimen Type



24 hr Urine Container 

Collection Instructions

 Container/Tube: 24 Hr Urine Container with diazolidinyl urea (Germall) added at the beginning of collection. 
Specimen: Send entire 24 Hour Container  or 35 mL (25mL min) form well mixed 24 hr urine with TV on sample.
 Note: For Patients 18 year or younger please indicate Height and weight 
Collection Instructions:
1)      Add 5 mL of diazolidinyl urea as preservative at start of collection or refrigerate specimen during and after collection.
2)       Collect urine for 24 hours.
3)       Specimen pH should be between 4.5 – 8 and will stay in that range if the preservation is added at the
           beginning of collection or kept refrigerated during the entirety of the
          Specimens with pH above 8 indicate bacterial contamination, and testing will be canceled.
Do not attempt to adjust pH as it will adversely affect results.
4)      If not using Germall, the specimen must be kept refrigerated during the entirety of the collection and send specimen

Transport Instructions


Specimen Stability

3 Days Room Temperature
14 Days Refrigerated
14 Days Frozen


Enzymatic, Freezing
Point Depression, High-Performance
Ion Chromatography (HPIC)
Photometric, Colorimetric
Endpoint Assay, pH Meter,Potentiometric,
Indirect Ion-Selective Electrode (ISE)
Colorimetric Assay, Uricase, Kinetic
UV Assay, Calculation

Days Performed

TAT: 3-6 Days

Performing Laboratory

Mayo Medial Laboratories


82340-Calcium82436-Chloride82507-Citrate excretion82570-Creatinine83735-Magnesium83935-Osmolality83945-Oxalate83986-pH84105-Phosphorus84133-Potassium84300-Sodium84392-Sulfate84560-Uric acid82140-Ammonium84540-Urea NitrogenLOINC Code:  81232-1



Result Interpretation

See report.

