Aldosterone Urine ALDOSTU


Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Aldosterone, Urine

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Aldosterone, Urine

EPIC Order Name

24 Hour Urine, Aldosterone

Clinical Info

Study of adrenocortical-renin-angiotensin system; adrenal cortical function test; evaluate renal hypertension; diagnose Conn syndrome (primary aldosteronism); evaluate hypokalemia with hypertension

Specimen Type



24hr Ur No Preserv

Collection Instructions

Container/Tube: 24 hr urine container no Preservative
                                  Alternate 1 gm Boric Acid maybe added as preservative for other tests.
Specimen: 10 ml From 24 Hr Urine container (2 mL min) Adjust pH - pH must be 4 to 8.
Transport Temperature: Refrigerated
Note; Sample will be rejected if <2 pH.
Patient Preparation If patient is taking diuretics, antihypertensive drugs, cyclic progestational agents, estrogen, or licorice, results for aldosterone may not be interpretable. Patient should be on a diet containing 135 mmol (3 g) sodium per day for at least two weeks and preferably 30 days prior to testing.

Transport Instructions


Specimen Stability

Room temperature: 7 days
Refrigerated: 28 days
Frozen: 14 days


Liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS-MS)

Days Performed

Performing Laboratory



LOINC Code:  1765-7



Result Interpretation

• Pediatric:1,2
− 0 to 3 days: 0.00−5.00 μg/24 hours
− 4 days to 10 years: 0.00−8.00 μg/24 hours
− >10 years: 0.00−19.00 μg/24 hours
• Adults:
− Low sodium intake: 20.00−80.00 μg/24 hours
− Normal sodium intake: 0.00−19.00 μg/24 hours
− High sodium intake: 0.00−12.00 μg/24 hours


 Post Florinef™ or IV saline supression

 5 mcg/24 hours or less


Creatinine, 24 Hour Urine

 Age  (g/24 h)

<3 years:  Not established

 3-8 years: 0.10-0.80

 9-12 years: 0.20-1.40

13-17 years: 0.40-1.90

>17 years: 0.50-2.15 


TAT: 7 - 10 Days

