Fungus Cutaneous F CUT


Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Fungus Cutaneous

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Fungus Cutaneous

EPIC Order Name

Cutaneous Fungal Culture

Clinical Info

Specimen Type




Collection Instructions

Submit only 1 of the following specimens:
Acceptable Specimens: Hair, nail, or skin scraping
1. Using forceps, collect 3 to 5 affected hairs keeping shaft base intact.
2. Select hairs that fluoresce under a Wood’s lamp.
3. Collect scalp scales (if present) along with scrapings of active borders of lesions. 4. Place specimen in a screw-capped, sterile container.
5. Label container with patient’s name (first and last), date and actual time of collection, and type of specimen.
6. Maintain sterility and forward promptly at ambient temperature only.
Note:  Specimen source is required on request form for processing.
1. Remove nail polish if present.
2. Wipe nail with 70% alcohol on gauze (not cotton).
3. Clip generous portion of affected area.
4. Collect material or debris from under nail.
5. Place specimen in a screw-capped, sterile container.
6. Label container with patient’s name (first and last), date and actual time of collection, and type of specimen.
7. Maintain sterility and forward promptly at ambient temperature only.
Note:  Specimen source is required on request form for processing.
1. Cleanse affected area with 70% alcohol on gauze (not cotton).
2. Gently scrape surface of skin at active margin of lesion.
3. Do not draw blood.
4. Collect enough scraping to cover the head of a thumbtack.
5. Place specimen in a screw-capped, sterile container.
6. Label container with patient’s name (first and last), date and actual time of collection, and type of specimen.
7. Maintain sterility and forward promptly at ambient temperature only.
Note:  Specimen source is required on request form for processing.

Transport Instructions

Specimen Stability


Microbiology Culture

Days Performed

Monday through Saturday

Performing Laboratory

Northwell Health Laboratories
If culture is positive, additional charge(s)/CPT code(s) may apply for identification
and/or antibiotic susceptibilities performed when appropriate.





Result Interpretation

No fungus isolated 

