Lupus Anticoagulant Cascade Reflex LAC Reflex


Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Lupus Anticoagulant Cascade Reflex

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Not Orderable

EPIC Order Name

Lupus Anticoagulant Cascade Reflex

Clinical Info

Plasma and serum are required for this test.

Specimen Type



3 Blue 1 Gold

Collection Instructions

Container/Tube(s):  1 Gold Top Tube + 3 Light Blue Top Tubes
Container/Tube:      1 full Gold top tube – SPUN Specimen:   Send full spun Gold top                           
                                3 full Light Blue top tubes (3.2% citrate)                             
                                   3 (three) 1.0 mL aliquots      Frozen aliquoted plasma Collection
Instructions for Blue Top tubes:
If the blood is to be drawn using a butterfly set, a “discard” tube (either a plain[non-additive] or light blue) must be partially drawn just to completely fill the collection tubing with blood before filling the light blue top tubes for testing.  Failure to perform this step will result in an under-filled tube that the laboratory will reject. Allow blood to fill the light blue top tubes completely to the line on the tube.  The ratio of blood to additive in the tube is critical in coagulation testing. After filling each tube immediately mix the specimen by gently inverting 4-6 times.  Failure to perform this can result in a clotted sample, which is unacceptable for testing.              
 If:        centrifugation of the specimens cannot be performed immediately after collection,
            Then:  all the tubes must be transported to the lab within 1 hour of collection. Do not refrigerate or freeze.
If:        centrifugation is possible, but transport to the lab will not occur within 1 hour of    collection,
          Then:  centrifuge the specimens; remove the plasma from the light blue top tubes to a clean, dry plastic transport tube              using a plastic transfer pipette, and centrifuge the plasma again to produce platelet-poor plasma.  Remove this plasma              with a clean plastic transfer pipette to a new clean, dry transport tube and freeze this citrated platelet-poor plasma                     immediately.  A double centrifuged specimen is critical for accurate results as platelet contamination may cause                         spurious results.
Note:  A signed “Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) Form” and ICD9 code(s) is required for processing.

Transport Instructions


Specimen Stability


Clotting-IL ACL TOP
ELISA Serology
LAC REFLEX Components:
Cardiolipin Antibody IgG, IgM, and IgA Screen with Reflex Beta-2 Glycoprotein-1 IgG, IgM, and IgA Screen with Reflex APTT APTT 50/50 (reflex if APTT elevated) Diluted Russell’s Viper Venom Time (DRVVT) Silica Clotting Time (SCT) Hexagonal Phase Lupus Anticoagulant (reflex if DRVVT and SCT Negative with elevated APTT)

Days Performed

Performing Laboratory

Northwell Health Laboratories


85597, 85611, 85613, 85730, 85732, 86147
86146 x3 reflex (if approp.)



Result Interpretation

See Individual tests
Set Up Monday - Friday

