Viral Culture, General VIRCUL


Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Viral Culture, General

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Culture - Viral, General

EPIC Order Name

Viral Culture

Clinical Info

Aid in the diagnosis of viral diseases (eg, conjunctivitis, congenital viral infections, keratitis, chickenpox, shingles, viral pneumonia, and diseases characterized by skin vesicles and rashes)

Specimen Type




Collection Instructions


Specimen should be collected during the acute phase of the disease as follows:
1) Blood: Collect 5 mL whole blood into a heparinized tube. Consult laboratory to which specimen will be sent. Send at room temperature.
2) Cerebrospinal fluid: Collect 1 mL CSF aseptically in a sterile dry screw-cap vial. Refrigerate immediately.
3) Skin lesions: Open the vesicle and absorb exudate into a dry swab and/or vigorously scrape base of freshly exposed lesion with a swab to obtain cells that contain viruses. If enough vesicle fluid is available, aspirate the fluid with a fine gauge needle and tuberculin syringe, and place the fluid into cold viral transport medium. Use viral swabs for specimen collection. Refrigerate immediately.
4) Eye swab or scraping: Use a viral swab to collect conjunctival material. Take conjunctival scrapings with a fine sterile spatula and transfer the scraping to a viral transport medium. Refrigerate immediately.
5) Genital swab: See skin. Refrigerate immediately.
Rectal swab: Insert a sterile swab 2” to 4” into the rectum and rub the mucosa. Swab may be placed into cold virus transport medium. Refrigerate immediately.
Throat swab: Carefully rub the posterior wall of the nasopharynx with a dry, sterile swab. Avoid touching the tongue or buccal mucosa. Place swab in viral transport tube.
6) Feces: Collect 4 to 8 g of feces (about the size of a thumbnail) and place in a clean, screw-cap container. Do not dilute the specimen or use preservatives. Viral swab is acceptable. Refrigerate immediately.
7) Tissue: Use a fresh set of sterile instruments to collect each tissue. Place each specimen in its own dry, sterile nontoxic screw-cap container. To prevent the tissue from drying out, add a small amount of viral transport medium to the container. Identify each tissue with the patient's name, type of tissue, and date collected. Refrigerate immediately.
8) Urine: Collect clean-catch, midstream urine in a screw-cap, sterile, plastic container. Refrigerate immediately.

Specimen: 1 mL fluid or one swab in viral transport
Transport Temperature: Specimen must be kept cold and moist (refrigerated).Samples must be less than 48 hours old.

Viral cultures: Specimens should be collected in the acute stage of the illness, kept moist, and refrigerated immediately. Stool specimens should not be placed into viral transport medium or frozen. Spinal fluid and throat washings must be kept cold and must not be frozen. Swabs of lesions or of throat should be rinsed immediately into 1 or 2 mL of viral transport medium; preferably, the swab should be broken off into the medium and sent in the medium to the laboratory. Autopsy material should be collected in sterile containers. Urine specimens for CMV culture must not be frozen; they should be packed with an ice pack or snow gel, but not with dry ice.

Transport Instructions

Specimen must be kept cold and moist (refrigerated).Samples must be less than 48 hours old.

Specimen Stability


Inoculation of specimen into cell cultures, incubation of cultures, observation for characteristic cytopathic effect, and identification by DFA or other methods

Days Performed

Performing Laboratory






Result Interpretation

No virus isolated
   Results available in 8 days
Viruses Typically Isolated From Clinical Specimens

HSV − herpes simplex virus

CMV − cytomegalovirus

VZV − varicella-zoster virus

RSV − respiratory syncytial virus

†Enteroviruses: coxsackie virus, poliovirus, echovirus, and enterovirus.
‡Rarely isolated.
§Usually in immunocompromised hosts.
CMV, enteroviruses†,‡, HSV‡, VZV‡
CSF and CNS tissues
Enteroviruses, mumps virus, HSV‡, CMV
Dermal lesions
HSV, VZV, adenovirus, enteroviruses
HSV, VZV, adenovirus, enteroviruses, CMV
HSV, VZV, enterovirus
Respiratory tract


Adenovirus, rhinovirus, influenza, parainfluenza, enteroviruses, RSV, reovirus, HSV


Adenovirus, influenza, parainfluenza, RSV, CMV§
Enteroviruses, adenoviruses
CMV, HSV, enteroviruses
CMV, adenovirus, enteroviruses, mump

