Prenatal Whole Genome Chromosomal Microarray PrenatSNP


GeneDx code = 460

Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Prenatal Whole Genome Chromosomal Microarray (PRENAT SNP)

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Prenatal Whole Genome Chromosomal Microarray

EPIC Order Name

Prenatal Whole Genome Chromosomal Microarray

Clinical Info

Suspected deletion/duplication syndrome Family history of known or suspected chromosome imbalances Abnormal maternal serum screening Advanced maternal age
The prenatal targeted CMA focuses on detection of CNVs in approximately 150 cytogenetically relevant regions, including common or novel microdeletion and microduplication syndromes. Deletions > 1 Mb and duplications >2 Mb in the remainder of the genome are also assessed. In addition, SNP probes covering only chromosomes known to contain imprinted regions (specifically, chromosomes 6, 7, 11, 14, 15, and 20) can provide information regarding ROH and UPD on those chromosomes.

Specimen Type

Body Fluid, Other


Sterile Tube

Collection Instructions

Note: Diagnosis must be indicated on request
Amniotic Fluid, Cultured cells or POC
Container/Tube: Sterile transport tube
Specimen: Amniotic Fluid 10 - 15 mL
Chronic Villi 5 - 10 mg
Cultured cells 2 T-25 flasks
3 Ug DNA Concentration
Transport Temperature: Room Temperature or Refrigerated
Additionally, please send: Parental blood specimens 1 Lavender top EDTA tube for maternal confirmation studies,or if parental specimens are needed for testing and result interpretation

Transport Instructions

Room Temperature or Refrigerated

Specimen Stability


Whole Genome Chromosomal Microarray

Days Performed

TAT: 8-15 Days for Direct Specimen
Please add 7- 14 Days if direct was not possible and cultured cells are prepared

Performing Laboratory






Result Interpretation

Interperative report
Report Available 8-15 Days

