Verifi Prenatal Test with Microdeletions Verifi Prenatal Test with Microdeletions


Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Verifi Prenatal Test with Microdeletions

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Verifi Prenatal Test with Microdeletions

EPIC Order Name

Verifi Prenatal Test with Microdeletions

Clinical Info

The Verifi Prenatal Test with Microdeletions is a non-invasive screening option for chromosomes 13, 18, and 21, and fetal sex chromosome aneuploidies in both singleton and twin pregnancies.
It is a non-invasive screening option for standard chromosome aneuploidies, certain microdeletions, and all autosomes. Expanded panels (microdeletions or all autosomes) are optional add-ons for singleton pregnancies.

Specimen Type



Contact Lab

Collection Instructions

Container/Tube: One to Two Streck BCT tube(s)
Specimen: 10 ml whole blood (7 ml min)
Transport Temperature: Room Temperature

Note: Illumina request form completely filled out is required.

The following information is required with each specimen:
1. Reason for referral
2. Maternal age
3. Number of fetuses
4. Gestation age (weeks and days)
5. Method of determining gestational age
6. Maternal height (inches)
7. Maternal weight (pounds)
The laboratory will not reject testing if this information is not provided, but appropriate testing and interpretation may be delayed or compromised.
Check off for Sex Chromosome aneuploids

Transport Instructions

Room Temperature

Specimen Stability


Nucleic Acid extraction, DNA sequencing, and analysis of sequencing to determine fetal aneuploidy.

Days Performed

Microdeletion syndromes
1p36 deletion
4p- (Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome)
5p- (cri-du-chat syndrome)
15q11 (Prader-Willi syndrome/Angelman syndrome)
22q11 deletion (DiGeorge)
Testing Indications:
Advanced maternal age (> 35 years)
Positive serum screen
Abnormal ultrasound
History suggestive of increased risk for the specified chromosome aneuploidies
Low risk/maternal anxiety
Screens for:
Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome)
Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome)
Fetal sex aneuploidies

Performing Laboratory






Result Interpretation

See Report

Basic reports contain results for chromosomes 21, 18 and 13. Test reports include

one of three possible results for chromosomes 21, 18, and 13: No Aneuploidy

Detected, Aneuploidy Detected, or Aneuploidy Suspected (Borderline Value).


If the sex chromosomes option is selected, results for Monosomy X, XXX, XXY and XYY

will be included. (If no aneuploidies are detected, fetal sex will be reported.) Sex

chromosomes will be reported as No Aneuploidy Detected or Aneuploidy Detected.

