Vaginitis Panel VAGPLUS


Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Vaginitis Panel

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Vaginitis Panel

EPIC Order Name

Vaginitis (VG) NuSwab plus Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma Molecular Detection (LabCorp)

Clinical Info

This test is intended to be used as an aid to the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis (BV) in women with a clinical presentation consistent 
with this disorder. Used to detect the presence of Candida albicans and Candida glabrata DNA in vaginal samples as 
an aid to the diagnosis of vulvovaginal candidiasis in symptomatic women. Also used in the diagnosis of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and 
Trichomonas vaginalis infections.

Specimen Type



Aptima Swab

Collection Instructions

Container/Tube: Aptima® Multitest Transport swab (Orange label) or
Aptima® Unisex swab (White label)
Specimen: One Aptima® Swab
Transport Temperature: Room Temperature

Collection: Vaginal swab: Collect vaginal fluid sample using the Gen-Probe® Aptima® swab by contacting the swab
Causes for Rejection
Incorrect patient identification; unlabeled specimen; inappropriate specimen transport conditions, including specimens received frozen; specimen leaked in transit; specimen in expired transport or incorrect transport device; specimens with inappropriate source for test requested; specimen with fixative or additives; Aptima® urine transport; Aptima® swab transport >30 days from collection; Aptima® swab specimen without a swab; cleaning swab (white-shaft swab) in Aptima® swab transport; any non-Aptima® swab submitted in Aptima® transport device; transport device with multiple swabs; bloody or grossly mucoid specimens; bacterial swabs; specimen in ProbeTec™ UPT transport; ProbeTec™ Q-swabs
to the lower third of the vaginal wall and rotating the swab for 10 to 30 seconds to absorb fluid. Immediately place the
swab into the transport tube and carefully break the swab shaft against the side of the tube. Tightly screw on the cap.

Transport Instructions

Room Temperature

Specimen Stability

30 Days Room Temperature and Refrigerated
Not Acceptable Frozen


Nucleic acid amplification (NAA)
 Includes Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Trichomonas
                 vaginalis, Bacterial Vaginosis, Megaspheara species, Atopobium vaginalis,
                 Mycoplasma hominis, Mycoplasma genitalium and Ureaplasma species

Days Performed

Performing Laboratory

LabCorp of America


87798 x 3



Result Interpretation

 See Report

