Platelet Response Aspirin PRA


Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Platelet Response Aspirin

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Platelet Response Aspirin

EPIC Order Name

Platelet Response Aspirin

Clinical Info

This is only for Lenox Hill Hospital clients

Specimen Type


Greiner Blue Top

Collection Instructions

Samples should be collected between 2 and 30 hours after ingestion of aspirin. A 21 gauge needle or larger is required for sample collection. Collect a 2mL discard tube first. Two Greitner tubes should be drawn and hand delivered. 
One tube will be analyzed and the other will be held and will be retested if necessary. The level of blood should be at the level indicated by the arrow on the tube. The tube is gently inverted five times immediately before testing. 
The VerifyNow System uses whole blood collected in a partial-fill 2 mL, 3.2% sodium citrate, Blue top, Greiner Bio-One Vacuette tube.  

Transport Instructions

Pneumatic tube must not be used for transportation

Specimen Stability

The sample must be incubated at room temperature for 30 minutes prior to testing and can be used up to 4 hours after collection if stored at room temperature 


Days Performed


Performing Laboratory

NSLIJ Lenox Hill





Result Interpretation

Platelet Response Aspirin (PRA) 

Normal Range - 350.0 - 700.0 ARU

