Fibrinogen Clauss FIBC


Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Fibrinogen Clauss

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Fibrinogen Clauss

EPIC Order Name

Fibrinogen Clauss

Clinical Info

This method measures the rate of clot formation after adding a high concentration of thrombin to citrated plasma. The fibrinogen activity is then derived from a standard curve relating the clotting time to plasma standards of known fibrinogen activity.

Specimen Type



Blue Top Tube

Collection Instructions

Container/Tube: Light blue-top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube
Specimen: Full tube
Collection Instructions:
If the light blue top tube is the only tube to be drawn and will be collected using a butterfly set, a “discard” tube (either a 
plain[non-additive] or light blue) must be partially drawn just to completely fill the collection tubing with blood before collecting 
the light blue top for testing.  Failure to perform this step will result in an under-filled tube that the laboratory will reject. Allow blood 
to fill the tube completely to the line on the tube.  The ratio of blood to anticoagulant is critical in coagulation testing and at least a 90% 
fill is required. Immediately mix the specimen by gently inverting the tube 4-6 times to completely mix with the anticoagulant.  
Failure to perform this can result in a clotted sample, which is unacceptable for testing.

Transport Instructions

Specimen Stability

1 Day Room Temperature


Clauss Method Clotting- IL ACL Tops
The measurement of fibrinogen activity is based on determination of fibrin polymerization function by the Clauss method

Days Performed

Monday - Sunday up to 1 Day TAT

Performing Laboratory

Northwell Health Laboratories





Result Interpretation

200 - 465 mg/dL

