EPIC Test Compendium Alpha
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Renasight (TM) Kidney Gene Panel

Test Catalog Information

Test Catalog Synonyms

EPIC Synonyms
Cerner Primary MnemonicRenasight (TM) Kidney Gene Panel
EPIC Display NameRenasight (TM) Kidney Gene Panel
Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Renasight (TM) Kidney Gene Panel

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Not Orderable

EPIC Inpatient Orderable No
EPIC Outpatient Orderable No
Cerner Results
Clinical Info

Renasight is a test to determine if there is a genetic cause for an individual’s kidney disease or if there is an increased hereditary risk due to family history. The test uses a blood or saliva sample to test 385 genes associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Specimen Type



Lavender Top Tube

Collection Instructions

Transport Instructions

Specimen Stability


Days Performed

Performing Laboratory





Desired Epic Build Renasight (TM) Kidney Gene Panel

Cerner Primary Mnemonic: Renasight (TM) Kidney Gene Panel
PDM 225040
Informatics - WorkgroupMolecular-send outs
Synonyms *
Display Name *Renasight (TM) Kidney Gene Panel
Order Entry Specimen Sources *
Order Entry Specimen Types
Specimen Navigator Specimen Types
Specimen Navigator Specimen Sources
Specimen Navigator Short Name
Ordering info (EPIC SmartText)Renasight is a test to determine if there is a genetic cause for an individual’s kidney disease or if there is an increased hereditary risk due to family history. The test uses a blood or saliva sample to test 385 genes associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD).
IP Orderable No
OP Orderable No
AOEs *

Special History No
Build Comments
Filter *
Procedure Category Change
Cerner Results

Actual Epic build

Procedure Id
Order Display Name
Procedure Name
Procedure Master Number
Short Procedure Name
Category Code
Category Code Record Name
Clinically Active
Filter Genomics
Reference Link Url
Ordering Instructions
Default Specimen Type
Specimen Type Pick List
Specimen Type List
Op Specimen Type List
Specimen Source Pick List
Specimen Source Default - Male
Specimen Source Default - Female
Specimen Source List
Op Specimen Source List
Ip Lab Test Components For Report
Op Lab Test Components For Report
Order Questions
Order Questions Record Name
Inpatient Order Questions
Inpatient Order Questions Record Name
Order Specific Question Override
Inpatient Question Override
Location Restrict List Ip
Location Restrict List Ip Record Name
Location Restrict List Include Ip
Location Restrict List Op
Location Restrict List Op Record Name
Location Restrict List Includes Op
Edp Amb Order Specific Questions Record Name
Edp Ip Order Specific Questions Record Name
Edp Ip Specimen Source
Edp Op Specimen Source
Edp Ip Specimen Type
Edp Op Specimen Type
Derived Edp Ip Buttons S
Derived Edp Ip Buttons T
Derived Edp Op Buttons S
Derived Edp Op Buttons T
Ip Orderable
Op Orderable


EPIC Components (results)