EPIC Test Compendium Alpha
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Miscellaneous Test

Test Catalog Information

Test Catalog Synonyms
EPIC Synonyms 243
Cerner Primary MnemonicMiscellaneous Test
EPIC Display NameMiscellaneous Test
Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Miscellaneous Test Name

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Not Orderable

EPIC Inpatient Orderable Yes
EPIC Outpatient Orderable Yes
Cerner Results Proc Name
Miscellaneous Test
Line 2
Line 3
Clinical Info

Specimen Type




Collection Instructions

Submit the MISC form and the correct requisition for the performing Referral Laboratory you require testing if applicable.

Transport Instructions

Room Temperature

Specimen Stability


Days Performed

Performing Laboratory

Miscellaneous Laboratories




Desired Epic Build Miscellaneous Test

Cerner Primary Mnemonic: Miscellaneous Test
PDM 5901420
Informatics - WorkgroupGeneral
Synonyms *243
Display Name *Miscellaneous Test
Order Entry Specimen Sources *
Order Entry Specimen Types
Specimen Navigator Specimen Types
Specimen Navigator Specimen Sources
Specimen Navigator Short Name
Ordering info (EPIC SmartText)
IP Orderable Yes
OP Orderable Yes
AOEs *

AOE PDMAOE DisplayAOE DescriptionPrompt
Special History No
Build Comments
Filter *
Procedure Category Change
Cerner Results

Result DescResult displayResult PDM
PROC NAME Proc Name 5901421
MISC Miscellaneous Test 5901420
Line 2 Line 2 5901422
Line 3 Line 3 5901423

Actual Epic build

Procedure Id 89549
Pdm 5901420
Order Display Name Miscellaneous Test
Procedure Master Number LAB000
Short Procedure Name MISC TEST
Category Code 1.0
Category Code Record Name LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES
Synonyms 243
Clinically Active Yes
Orderable Yes
Performable Yes
Filter Genomics
Reference Link Url https://labs.northwell.edu/epic/test/89549
Ordering Instructions
Default Specimen Type Blood
Specimen Type Pick List Amniotic Fluid Blood Calculus Cerebrospinal Fluid Tissue Body Fluid Hair Bone Marrow Tooth Other Saliva Sputum Stool Urine Breath Semen Synovial Fluid Vaginal Fluid Bone Cartilage Synovium Products of Conception Bile Bursal Fluid Foreign Body Swab Wash Skin Nail Nerve Conjunctiva Retina Cornea Sweat Meconium Lymph Node Fine Needle Aspirate Pericardial Fluid Hematoma Peritoneal Fluid Aspirate Hernia Sac Pleural Fluid
Specimen Type List Blood Urine Tissue
Op Specimen Type List Blood Urine Tissue
Specimen Source Pick List Cannula Cervix Ear, Left Electrode Vagina Nose Other Throat Urethra Catheter Per Rectum Per Stoma Arm, Left Arm, Right Eye, Left Foot, Left Foot, Right Hand, Left Hand, Right Neck Eye, Right Ear, Right Buccal Smear Trachea Heart Liver Spleen Appendix Urine, Clean Catch Leg, Left Leg, Right Adrenal Gland, Right Adrenal Gland, Left Anus Bartholin's Breast, Left Breast, Left Central Breast, Right Breast, Right Central Bile Duct Dialysate Small Intestine, Duodenum Esophagus Fallopian Tube, Right Fallopian Tube, Left Fetus Hand, Digit Right Hand, Digit Left Foreskin Gallbladder Small Intestine, Jejunum Elbow, Left Elbow, Right Hip, Left Hip, Right Knee, Left Knee, Right Shoulder, Left Shoulder, Right Wrist, Left Wrist, Right Kidney, Left Kidney, Right Colon, Cecum Ascend Colon Transverse Colon Large Intestine, Left/Descending Colon Sigmoid Colon Larynx Lung, Left Upper Lobe Lung, Left Lower Lobe Lung, Right Upper Lobe Lung, Right Lower Lobe Lung, Right Middle Lobe Mediastinum Meninges/Dura Nasal/Nasopharynx Ovary, Right Ovary, Left Pancreas Parathyroid Gland Pituitary Placenta Pleura, Left Pleura, Right Peritoneal Wash Prostate Salivary Spinal Cord Stomach Sympathetic Ganglion Testicular Appendage Testis, Right Testis, Left Thymus Thyroid Toe, Right Toe, Left Tongue Umbilical Cord Ureter, Right Ureter, Left Bladder Uterus VP Shunt Aspirate Vas Deferens, Right Vas Deferens, Left Vulva Ostomy Pouch Nasopharyngeal Wash Penis Amniotic Sac Retroperitoneum Abdominal Wall Axilla, Right Ankle, Left Ankle, Right Axilla, Left Back, Lower Back, Upper Brain, Amygdala Brain, Basal Ganglia Brain, Cerebellum Brain, Cerebral Cortex Brain, Hypothalamus Brain, Medulla Brain, Pons Buttock, Left Buttock, Right Cheek Chest, Left Chest, Right Chin Diaphragm Forearm, Left Forearm, Right Forehead Pineal Large Intestine, Rectum Naris, Left Lip, Lower Lip, Upper Oral Cavity Oropharynx Naris, Right Scalp Scrotum Small Intestine, Ileum Spine, Cervical Spine, Lumbar Sacral Thoracic Thigh, Left Thigh, Right Autopsy Lumbar Puncture CSF Reservoir Bronchus Alveoli Cervical Swab Throat Swab Blood, Venous Blood, Central Line Blood, Arterial Pericardium Blood, Capillary Bone Marrow Aspirate Bone Marrow Biopsy Inguinal Canal Endometrium Thyroid, Left Thyroid, Right Blood, Cord CRRT Blood
Specimen Source Default - Male
Specimen Source Default - Female
Specimen Source List Blood, Venous Blood, Arterial Urine, Clean Catch
Op Specimen Source List Blood, Venous Blood, Arterial Urine, Clean Catch
Ip Lab Test Components For Report
Op Lab Test Components For Report
Order Questions ["3046000052"]
Order Questions Record Name NH IP PROC NAME
Inpatient Order Questions ["3046000052"]
Inpatient Order Questions Record Name NH IP PROC NAME
Order Specific Question Override Yes
Inpatient Question Override Yes
Location Restrict List Ip
Location Restrict List Ip Record Name
Location Restrict List Include Ip
Location Restrict List Op
Location Restrict List Op Record Name
Location Restrict List Includes Op
Edp Amb Order Specific Questions Record Name
Edp Ip Order Specific Questions Record Name
Edp Ip Specimen Source Blood, Venous Blood, Central Line Blood, Arterial Blood, Capillary
Edp Op Specimen Source
Edp Ip Specimen Type Blood
Edp Op Specimen Type
Derived Edp Ip Buttons S Blood, Capillary Blood, Venous Blood, Central Line Blood, Arterial
Derived Edp Ip Buttons T Blood
Derived Edp Op Buttons S
Derived Edp Op Buttons T
Ip Orderable 1
Op Orderable 1

Question IDQuestion NameQuestionResponse TypeResponse ListRequire Response
3046000052 NH IP PROC NAME Proc Name Free Text Yes

Question IDQuestion NameQuestionResponse TypeResponse ListRequire Response
3046000052 NH IP PROC NAME Proc Name Free Text Yes
EPIC Components (results)

Component IDComponent NameBase NameCommon NameExternal NameCerner Result PDM