EPIC Test Compendium Alpha
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MaterniT Genome

Test Catalog Information

Test Catalog Synonyms
EPIC Synonyms MarterniT 21
Cerner Primary MnemonicMaterniT Genome
EPIC Display NameMaterniT Genome
Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

MaterniT Genome

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Not Orderable

EPIC Inpatient Orderable Yes
EPIC Outpatient Orderable Yes
Cerner Results Approved By
XXX (Triple X Syndrome)
Lab Director Comments
XXY (Klinefelter Syndrome)
Positive Predictive Value
5p15 deletion (Cri-du-chat)
Monosomy X (Turner Syndrome)
8q24 deletion (Langer-Giedion)
1p36 deletion syndrome
Trisomy 13 (Patau Synd)
XYY (Jacobs Syndrome)
Gains/Losses >=7 Mb
4p16 deletion(Wolf-Hirschhorn)
Limitations of the Test
Trisomy 18 (Edwards Synd)
Test Method
Test Result
Performance Characteristics
About the Test
Fetal Fraction
LMP Date
11q23 deletion (Jacobsen)
15q11 deletion (PW Angelman)
Trisomy 21 (Down Synd)
Other autosomal aneuploidies
Fetal Sex
Gestational Age > or = 9w:
E Due Date
22q11 deletion (DiGeorge)
Clinical Info

The MaterniT Genome test provides comprehensive chromosome copy number analysis including unbalanced derivatives and, information about deletions or duplications of chromosome material 7 Mb or larger, as well as analysis of seven clinically relevant microdeletions less than 7 Mb in size.

Specimen Type


StrecK BCT Tube

Collection Instructions

Container/Tube: Streak tube ( Black and Tan top) Specimen: 10 mL Whole Blood (8mL min) Transport Temperature: Room Temperature Special Instructions The following information must be provided with the test request form: patient's date of birth, gestational age, and additional patient demographic information: pregnancy type (singleton), donor egg status and the clinical indications (including advanced maternal age, abnormal ultrasound, history suggestive of increased risk for aneuploidy, positive serum screen, or other indications).

Transport Instructions

Specimen Stability

5 Days Room Temperature


Cell-free DNA is isolated from the sample and analyzed using massively parallel sequencing technology. Limitations While the results of these tests are highly accurate, discordant results, including inaccurate fetal sex prediction, may occur due to placental, maternal, or fetal mosaicism or neoplasm; vanishing twin; prior maternal organ transplant; or other causes. Sex chromosomal aneuploidies are not reportable for known multiple gestations. MaterniT Genome assay is not validated for multifetal gestations; multifetal samples are excluded from the resequencing pathway. These tests are screening tests and not diagnostic; they do not replace the accuracy and precision of prenatal diagnosis with CVS or amniocentesis. A patient with a positive test result should be referred for genetic counseling and offered invasive prenatal diagnosis for confirmation of test results. A negative result does not ensure an unaffected pregnancy nor does it exclude the possibility of other chromosomal abnormalities or birth defects which are not a part of these tests. An uninformative result may be reported, the causes of which may include, but are not limited to, insufficient sequencing coverage, noise or artifacts in the region, amplification or sequencing bias, or insufficient fetal fraction. These tests are not intended to identify pregnancies at risk for neural tube defects or ventral wall defects. Testing for whole chromosome abnormalities (including sex chromosomes) and for subchromosomal abnormalities could lead to the potential discovery of both fetal and maternal genomic abnormalities that could have major, minor, or no, clinical significance. Evaluating the significance of a positive or a non-reportable result may involve both invasive testing and additional studies on the mother. Such investigations may lead to a diagnosis of maternal chromosome or subchromosomal abnormalities, which on occasion may be associated with benign or malignant maternal neoplasms. These tests may not accurately identify fetal triploidy, balanced rearrangements, or the precise location of subchromosomal duplications or deletions; there may be detected by prenatal diagnosis with CVS or amniocentesis. The ability to report results may be impacted by maternal BMI, maternal weight, maternal systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and/or by certain pharmaceutical agents such as low molecular weight heparin (for example: Lovenox®, Xaparin®, Clexane®, and Fragmin®). The results of this testing, including the benefits and limitations, should be discussed with a qualified healthcare provider. Pregnancy managment decisions, including termination of pregnancy, should not be based on the results of these tests alone. The healthcare provider is responsible for the use of this information in the management of their patient. This test was developed, and its performance characteristics determined, by LabCorp. It has not been cleared or approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Days Performed

TAT: 6 - 10 Days

Performing Laboratory

LabCorp- Sequenom


81420 81422 81479



Desired Epic Build MaterniT Genome

Cerner Primary Mnemonic: MaterniT Genome
PDM 225135
Informatics - WorkgroupMolecular-send outs
Synonyms *MarterniT 21
Display Name *MaterniT Genome
Order Entry Specimen Sources *
Order Entry Specimen Types
Specimen Navigator Specimen Types
Specimen Navigator Specimen Sources
Specimen Navigator Short Name
Ordering info (EPIC SmartText)The MaterniT Genome test provides comprehensive chromosome copy number analysis including unbalanced derivatives and, information about deletions or duplications of chromosome material 7 Mb or larger, as well as analysis of seven clinically relevant microdeletions less than 7 Mb in size.
IP Orderable Yes
OP Orderable Yes
AOEs *

Special History No
Build Comments
Filter *genetics
Procedure Category Change
Cerner Results

Result DescResult displayResult PDM
Approved By Approved By 225135E
XXX (Triple X Syndrome) XXX (Triple X Syndrome) 225135N
Lab Director Comments Lab Director Comments 225135D
Performance Performance 225135AB
XXY (Klinefelter Syndrome) XXY (Klinefelter Syndrome) 225135M
Positive Predictive Value Positive Predictive Value 225135X
5p15 deletion (Cri-du-chat) 5p15 deletion (Cri-du-chat) 225135T
Monosomy X (Turner Syndrome) Monosomy X (Turner Syndrome) 225135K
8q24 deletion (Langer-Giedion) 8q24 deletion (Langer-Giedion) 225135S
1p36 deletion syndrome 1p36 deletion syndrome 225135W
Trisomy 13 (Patau Synd) Trisomy 13 (Patau Synd) 225135H
XYY (Jacobs Syndrome) XYY (Jacobs Syndrome) 225135L
PDF PDF 221533AF
Gains/Losses >=7 Mb Gains/Losses >=7 Mb 225135O
4p16 deletion(Wolf-Hirschhorn) 4p16 deletion(Wolf-Hirschhorn) 225135U
Limitations of the Test Limitations of the Test 225135AD
Trisomy 18 (Edwards Synd) Trisomy 18 (Edwards Synd) 225135G
Test Method Test Method 225135Z
Test Result Test Result 225135C
Performance Characteristics Performance Characteristics 225135AC
About the Test About the Test 225135Y
Fetal Fraction Fetal Fraction 1659834P
LMP Date LMP Date 1759834G
11q23 deletion (Jacobsen) 11q23 deletion (Jacobsen) 225135R
15q11 deletion (PW Angelman) 15q11 deletion (PW Angelman) 225135Q
Trisomy 21 (Down Synd) Trisomy 21 (Down Synd) 225135F
Other autosomal aneuploidies Other autosomal aneuploidies 225135I
Fetal Sex Fetal Sex 225135J
Gestation Gestation 225135A
Note Note 225135AE
Gestational Age > or = 9w: Gestational Age > or = 9w: 225135B
REF References 5910709
E Due Date E Due Date 1759834B
22q11 deletion (DiGeorge) 22q11 deletion (DiGeorge) 225135P

Actual Epic build

Procedure Id 137013
Pdm 225135
Order Display Name MaterniT Genome
Procedure Master Number LAB12254
Short Procedure Name MATERNIT GENOME
Category Code 1.0
Category Code Record Name LAB BLOOD ORDERABLES
Clinically Active Yes
Orderable Yes
Performable Yes
Filter Genomics Generic Genomics Procedure
Reference Link Url https://labs.northwell.edu/epic/test/137013
Ordering Instructions
Default Specimen Type Blood
Specimen Type Pick List Blood
Specimen Type List
Op Specimen Type List
Specimen Source Pick List Blood, Arterial Blood, Capillary Blood, Central Line Blood, Venous
Specimen Source Default - Male Blood, Venous
Specimen Source Default - Female Blood, Venous
Specimen Source List
Op Specimen Source List
Ip Lab Test Components For Report
Op Lab Test Components For Report
Order Questions []
Order Questions Record Name
Inpatient Order Questions []
Inpatient Order Questions Record Name
Order Specific Question Override
Inpatient Question Override
Location Restrict List Ip
Location Restrict List Ip Record Name
Location Restrict List Include Ip
Location Restrict List Op
Location Restrict List Op Record Name
Location Restrict List Includes Op
Edp Amb Order Specific Questions Record Name
Edp Ip Order Specific Questions Record Name
Edp Ip Specimen Source Blood, Venous Blood, Central Line Blood, Arterial Blood, Capillary
Edp Op Specimen Source
Edp Ip Specimen Type Blood
Edp Op Specimen Type
Derived Edp Ip Buttons S Blood, Capillary Blood, Venous Blood, Central Line Blood, Arterial
Derived Edp Ip Buttons T Blood
Derived Edp Op Buttons S
Derived Edp Op Buttons T
Ip Orderable 1
Op Orderable 1


EPIC Components (results)

Component IDComponent NameBase NameCommon NameExternal NameCerner Result PDM
3047805610.0 PDF AFP RESULT PDF PDF, RESULT 221533AF
3047803310.0 LMP DATE LMP LMP DATE 1759834G
3047802251.0 E DUE DATE EDUEDT E DUE DATE 1759834B