EPIC Test Compendium Alpha
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Mycoplasma genitalium Molecular Detection

Test Catalog Information

Test Catalog Synonyms

EPIC Synonyms Mycoplasma genitalium TMA
Cerner Primary MnemonicMycoplasma genitalium TMA
EPIC Display NameMycoplasma genitalium Molecular Detection
Allscripts (AEHR) Order Name

Mycoplasma Gentalium, TMA

Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) Order Name

Mycoplasma genitalium TMA

EPIC Inpatient Orderable Yes
EPIC Outpatient Orderable Yes
Cerner Results Mycoplasma genitalium Srce
Mycoplasma genitalium Result
Clinical Info

Detection of Mycoplasma genitalium in cases of suspected infection This test is not intended for use in medico-legal applications.

Specimen Type

Body Fluid, Urine, Tissue


Aptima Tube (Generic use)

Collection Instructions

Submit only 1 of the following specimens: Swab specimen must be collected using an Aptima Collection Unisex Swab or Aptima Collection Multitest Swab. These swabs are contained in the Aptima Collection Kit. Specimen Type: Swab Sources: Endocervix Container/Tube: Aptima Collection Unisex Swab Specimen Volume: One swab Collection Instructions: . Use cleaning swab (white shaft) to remove excess mucus from endocervix and discard. 2. Insert second swab (blue shaft) 1 to 1.5 cm into endocervical canal, and rotate swab gently for 30 seconds. Avoid touching vaginal wall when removing swab. 3. Place second swab into transport tube provided in collection kit. Snap off swab at score line so swab fits into closed tube. 4. Cap tube securely, and label tube with patient's entire name, and date and time of collection. 5. Transport and store swab container at 2 to 30 degrees C (refrigerate is preferred temperature) within 60 days of collection. If longer storage is needed, freeze at -20 to -70 degrees C for an additional 90 days. Specimen Type: Swab Sources: Vaginal, Genital Container/Tube: Aptima Collection Multitest Swab Specimen Volume: One swab Collection Instructions 1. Insert swab (pink shaft) about 5 cm past introitus and rotate gently for 30 seconds. 2. Place swab into transport tube provided in collection kit. Snap off swab at score line so swab fits into closed tube. 3. Cap tube securely, and label tube with patient's entire name, and date and time of collection. 4. Transport and store swab container at 2 to 30 degrees C (refrigerate is preferred temperature) within 60 days of collection. If longer storage is needed, freeze at -20 to -70 degrees C for an additional 90 days. Specimen Type: Swab, Aptima Male/Female Collection Sources: Urethra (Male patients only) Container/Tube: Aptima Collection Unisex Swab Specimen Volume: One swab Collection Instructions Patient should not have urinated for at least 1 hour prior to collection. 2. With a rotating movement, insert swab (blue shaft) 2 to 4 cm into urethra. 3. Once inserted, rotate swab gently at least 1 full rotation using sufficient pressure to ensure swab comes into contact with all urethral surfaces. Allow swab to remain inserted for 2 to 3 seconds. 4. Place swab in transport tube provided in collection kit. Snap off swab at score line so swab fits into closed tube. 5. Cap tube securely, and label tube with patient's entire name, and date and time of collection. 6. Transport and store swab container at 2 to 30 degrees C (refrigerate is preferred temperature) within 60 days of collection. If longer storage is needed, freeze at -20 to -70 degrees C for an additional 90 days. Specimen Type: Urine (Male and female patients) and post-prostate massage urine(VBIII) Sources: Urine Container/Tube: Aptima Urine Specimen Transport Tube Specimen Volume: 15 to 20 mL( 2mL min) Collection Instructions . Patient should not have urinated for at least 1 hour prior to specimen collection. 2. Patient should collect first portion of random voided urine (first part of stream) into a sterile, plastic, preservative-free container. 3. Transfer 2 mL of urine into the Aptima Urine Specimen Transport Tube using the disposable pipette provided within 24 hours of collection. The correct volume of urine has been added when the fluid level is between the black fill lines on the urine transport tube. Place the labels on the transport tube so the black fill lines are still visible for volume confirmation at Mayo Clinic Laboratories. 4. Transport and store urine or post-prostatic massage urine (VBIII) specimen transport container at 2 to 30 degrees C (refrigerate is preferred temperature) within 30 days of collection. If longer storage is needed for urine specimens other than VBIII, freeze at -20 to -70 degrees C an additional 90 days. VBII cannot be sent frozen. Specimen Type: Fluid Sources: Peritoneal fluid(pelvic wash or cul-de-sac fluid) Container/Tube: Aptima Specimen Transport Tube Specimen volume: 1 mL Collection Instructions . After collection, peritoneal fluid can be stored at 2 to 30 degrees C for up to 24 hours. 2. Transfer specimen into the Aptima Specimen Transfer Tube within 24 hours of collection. 3. Cap tube securely and label tube with patient's entire name and collection date and time. 4. Transport and store specimen container at 2 to 30 degrees C (refrigerate is preferred temperature) within 30 days of collection. Specimen cannot be sent frozen.

Transport Instructions

Specimen Stability


Transcription-Mediated Amplification

Days Performed

TAT; 2 - 5 Days

Performing Laboratory

Mayo Medical Laboratories





Desired Epic Build Mycoplasma genitalium Molecular Detection

Cerner Primary Mnemonic: Mycoplasma genitalium TMA
PDM 5909820
Informatics - WorkgroupID Sendouts
Synonyms *Mycoplasma genitalium TMA
Display Name *Mycoplasma genitalium Molecular Detection
Order Entry Specimen Sources *
Order Entry Specimen Types
Specimen Navigator Specimen Types
Specimen Navigator Specimen Sources
Specimen Navigator Short Name
Ordering info (EPIC SmartText)Detection of Mycoplasma genitalium in cases of suspected infection This test is not intended for use in medico-legal applications.
IP Orderable Yes
OP Orderable Yes
AOEs *

Special History No
Build Comments
Filter *
Procedure Category Change
Cerner Results

Result DescResult displayResult PDM
MGPCRSRCE Mycoplasma genitalium Srce 5909820A
MGPCRX Mycoplasma genitalium Result 5909820B

Actual Epic build

Procedure Id 114444
Pdm 5909820
Order Display Name Mycoplasma genitalium Molecular Detection
Procedure Master Number LAB11019
Category Code 7.0
Clinically Active Yes
Orderable Yes
Performable Yes
Filter Genomics
Reference Link Url https://labs.northwell.edu/epic/test/114444
Ordering Instructions
Default Specimen Type Body Fluid
Specimen Type Pick List Body Fluid
Specimen Type List
Op Specimen Type List
Specimen Source Pick List Amniotic Sac Bile Duct Dialysate CSF Reservoir Elbow, Left Elbow, Right Eye, Left Eye, Right Hip, Left Hip, Right Knee, Left Knee, Right Lumbar Puncture Nasopharyngeal Wash Penis Pericardium Peritoneal Wash Placenta Pleura, Left Pleura, Right Salivary Shoulder, Left Shoulder, Right Trachea Urethra Vagina VP Shunt Aspirate Wrist, Left Wrist, Right
Specimen Source Default - Male
Specimen Source Default - Female
Specimen Source List
Op Specimen Source List
Ip Lab Test Components For Report
Op Lab Test Components For Report
Order Questions []
Order Questions Record Name
Inpatient Order Questions []
Inpatient Order Questions Record Name
Order Specific Question Override
Inpatient Question Override
Location Restrict List Ip
Location Restrict List Ip Record Name
Location Restrict List Include Ip
Location Restrict List Op
Location Restrict List Op Record Name
Location Restrict List Includes Op
Edp Amb Order Specific Questions Record Name
Edp Ip Order Specific Questions Record Name
Edp Ip Specimen Source Per Rectum
Edp Op Specimen Source Per Rectum
Edp Ip Specimen Type Stool Cerebrospinal Fluid
Edp Op Specimen Type Cerebrospinal Fluid Stool
Derived Edp Ip Buttons S
Derived Edp Ip Buttons T
Derived Edp Op Buttons S
Derived Edp Op Buttons T
Ip Orderable 1
Op Orderable 1


EPIC Components (results)

Component IDComponent NameBase NameCommon NameExternal NameCerner Result PDM