Epic Build / Desired Build Test Compendium
Welcome to the new Northwell Health Labs Epic Build / Desired Build Test Directory! Please email ClinicalLabInformatics@northwell.edu with any typos, corrections or issues.

Displaying 4 result(s)

# Rank Epic Display Name Cerner Name SCM Name AEHR Name Cerner PDM EPIC Procedure Master Number Informatics Workgroup
1. 99999 2T Maternal Serum Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) 235467 LAB14033 Prenatal
2. 99999 2T Quad Screen 241466 LAB14274 Prenatal
3. 99999 1T Aneuploidy Screen 241467 LAB14312 Prenatal
4. 99999 2T Sequential Screen 241468 LAB14342 Prenatal