EPIC Test Compendium Alpha
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Displaying 9 result(s) for "Tonsil"

# Rank Epic Display Name Cerner Name Cerner PDM Informatics Workgroup
1. 355 Ear, Nose, and Throat Culture Ear Nose and Throat Culture 2062082 ID Micro
2. 389 Tissue Culture, Aerobic and Anaerobic with Gram Stain Tissue Culture/Gram Stain 6201175 ID Micro
3. 493 NOS Fungal Culture Fungus Culture 6201100 ID Micro
4. 529 Tissue Mycobacterial (AFB) Smear and Culture Acid Fast Tissue 6201260 ID Micro
5. 668 Tissue Fungal Culture and Calcofluor Stain Fungus Tissue 6201278 ID Micro
6. 723 NOS Mycobacterial (AFB) Smear and Culture Acid Fast Smear/Culture 6201254 ID Micro
7. 1212 Fungal Stain (Calcofluor/KOH) KOH/Calcoflour White Stain 6201162 ID Micro
8. 99989 Pathology, Surgical Pathology Surgical Request SURGEXAM Anatomic Pathology
9. 99989 Hematopathology Exam Hematopathology Request HPEXAM Anatomic Pathology