Displaying 1740 result(s)

Test Name Test Code
1. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel COMPMETA
2. A1C Estimated Average Glucose GLYC
3. Basic Metabolic Panel METABOLIC
4. Lipid Profile LIPID
5. Differential DIF
6. Magnesium Serum MG
9. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone TSH
10. Phosphorous, Serum PHOS
11. Blood Culture C BLD
12. Protime/INR PT/INR
13. Urine Culture C UR
14. Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy VITD
15. A Partial Thromboplastin Time PTT
16. Quantiferon Plus TB QTFPLUS TB
17. Urinalysis UA
18. Thyroxine-Free FT4
19. Urinalysis with Microscopic UAM
20. Ferritin Serum FERR
21. Syphilis Screen SYPH SCRN
22. Vitamin B12 B12
23. Chlamydia/ G.C. Amplification CTNGAMP
24. Hepatitis C AB HEPC
25. Hepatic Function Panel HEPATIC
26. Iron TIBC Panel IRONTIBC
27. HEP B Surface Antigen HEPBSAG
28. Respiratory Viral/Bacti Detection Panel by NAT (includes COVID-19) V RVP RAP
29. C-Reactive Protein CRP
30. Thyroid Stim Horm w/ FT4 reflex TSHX
31. Westergren ESR WESR
33. Uric Acid Serum URIC
34. Thyroxine T4
35. Lipase Serum LIPASE
36. Creatine Kinase CK
37. CL Cytology GYN Request PAP TEST
38. Blood Gases, Arterial GASA
39. Throat Culture C TH
40. Pro B-Type Natriuretic Peptide (ProBNP) PBNP
41. Albumin/Creatinine Ratio, Random Urine MALBRU
42. Lactic Acid Dehydrogenase LDH
43. B-Human Chorionic Gonado. Quant HCGQ
44. Lactic Acid, Plasma LACTATE
45. Flu Panel and Covid FLU PANEL
46. HEP B Surface AB HEPBSAB
47. Urinalysis with Rflx Culture UAX
48. Blood Gases, Venous GASV
50. Folate FOL
51. Prostate Specific Antigen PSA
52. COVID-19 Spike Domain Antibody COVIDSDAB
53. Triiodothyronine T3
54. Blood Gas Arterial w/ Lytes Blood Gas Arterial w/ Lytes
55. Troponin T, High Sensitivity TROPTHS
56. Lead LEAD
57. Free Triiodothyronine FT3
58. Blood Gas Venous w/Lytes Blood Gas Venous w/Lytes
59. HEP B Core AB Total HEPBCORE
60. D-Dimer Quantitative DD
61. Protein/Creat Ratio Urine TPCRU
62. Parathyroid Hormone Intact PTHI
63. COVID-19 Nucleocapsid Antibody COVIDNCAB
64. Antinuclear AB ANA
65. Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) IFOBT
66. Bacterial Vaginosis Panel Affirm
67. Estradiol E2
68. Retic Count RETIC CT
69. T Uptake T3UP
70. Luteinizing Hormone LH
72. Procalcitonin (PCT) PCT
73. Rubella IgG Antibody RUBELLA
74. Rheumatoid Factor RF
75. LDL Cholesterol, Direct LDLD
76. HGB ELECT w Intrp and Reflex HGB ELECT
77. Varicella IgG Antibody VZV
78. Bilirubin, Direct DBILI
79. Follicle Stimulating Hormone FSH
80. Progesterone PROG
81. PSA Free and Total PSAF
83. Chlamydia /GC Amp-Thinprep CTNGTP
84. Gamma Glutamyl Transferase GGT
85. Triglycerides TRIG
86. Measles IgG(Rubeola) Antibody MEASLES
87. Fibrinogen FIB
88. Cholesterol CHOL
89. Ova and Parasites P STL
90. Prolactin PROL
91. Carcinoembryonic Antigen CEA
92. Hepatitis Acute Panel HEPACUTE
93. HIV-1 Viral Load D VL
94. LYME VISE Total Antibody IgG/IgM Screen LYME
95. Anti- dsDNA DNA
96. Hepatitis B Surface Antibody, Quant HEPBSQUAN
97. Trichomonas vaginalis TRICHAMP
98. Bilirubin Total TBILI
99. Iron Serum IRON
100. CL ABORh Northwell CL ABORH NW
101. Anti Thyroid Antibodies ATHY
102. Pregnancy Test, Urine UPREG
103. CKMB Mass Assay CKMB
104. Alcohol Blood ALC
105. Lipid Profile with Reflex to LDL Cholesterol, Direct LIPIDX
106. T Cell Subset THS
107. Vitamin D 1,25 Dihydroxy VD125
108. Haptoglobin, Serum HAPTO
109. Vancomycin Level, Trough VANCOT
110. CL Antibody Screen- Northwell CL ABSC NW
111. Amylase Serum AMY
112. C4 Complement C4
113. Creatinine, Serum CREAT
115. C3 Complement C3
116. Immunofixation, Serum IMMFIX
117. Mumps IgG Antibody MUMPS
118. Potassium Serum K
119. Body Fluid Culture C BF
120. Serum Protein Electrophoresis w/reflex SPE
121. Testosterone TEST
122. Hepatitis A IgG Antibody HEPA-IGG
123. THC Urine Qualitative THC U
124. Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide AB CCP
125. CBC with Diff CBC/D
126. Prealbumin PALB
127. Calcium, Serum CA
128. Sodium Urine Random NARU
129. Albumin, Serum ALB
130. High Density Lipoprotein Chol HDL
131. Strep Throat PCR STREPPCR
132. Homocysteine Blood HCYS
133. Miscellaneous Test MISC
134. Alanine Aminotransferase SGPT
135. Tacrolimus (FK506) TACRO
136. Bilirubin Total and Direct BILITD
137. Sjogren's Antibodies SJOG
138. ImmunoCAP Total IgE RIGE
139. Drug Screen Urine Routine DRUGSCRUR
140. Measles/Mumps/Rubella/Varicella IgG MMRV
141. Surgical Swab Culture/Gram Stain zzzC SURG
142. Cord Gas Venous GASCORDV
143. Herpes Simplex 1/2 Ab IGG HRP
144. Transferrin TRANS
145. Aspartate Aminotransferase SGOT
146. Sputum Culture C SPT
147. Renal Panel RENAL
148. Drug Screen Urine Stat DAU/P
149. CHLAM/N.GON, Oral/Throat, CTNGORAL
150. C-Reactive Protein Cardiac CRPUQ
151. Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase G6PD
152. Sodium NA
153. Tissue Biopsy Tissue Biopsy
154. Immunoglobulin A IGA
155. Immunoglobulin Free Light Chains FIMMUNO
156. Gliadin Deamidated Ab IgG, IgA GLIADII
157. Culture-Other zzzC OTH
158. Alkaline Phosphatase, Serum ALKP
159. Cord Gas Arterial GASCORDA
160. Helicobacter Pylori Antigen, Stool HELIAG
161. Vitamin B1 VB1
162. Transglutaminase IgA TTGIGA
163. Abscess Culture/Gram Stain C ABS
164. Blood Urea Nitrogen BUN
165. Alpha Fetal Protein (TM) AFP
166. Osmolality Random Urine OSMORU
167. Immunoglobulins Panel IMMU
168. Endomysial IgA Antibody, IFA ENDOAB
169. Hepatitis A AB IGM HEPA-M
170. Acetaminophen ACETAMIN
171. Cortisol AM Serum CORT AM
172. Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody TPO
173. Salicylate, Blood SAL
174. Calcium, Ionized CAIO
175. Hepatitis B Core AB IgM HEPBCORM
176. Extractable Nuclear Antigen*(Sm Ab and RNP Abs) ENA
177. Hepatitis C RNA Quant HEPCRNA
178. CA 125 CA125
179. Ammonia, Blood NH3
180. Rapid HIV 1/2 AB ABHR
181. CHLAM/N.GON, Anal/Rectal, CTNGANAL
182. Valproic Acid VALP
183. Serum Monoclonal Protein Screen IMEL
184. Epstein-Barr Virus Profile EBV
185. Cancer Antigen 19-9 CA19
186. ANCA Screen IFA ANCA
187. Glucose GLU
188. Thyroglobulin and Thyroglobulin Antibody TYGL
189. Chloride Serum CL
190. Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate DHEAS
192. Insulin INS
193. Group B Strep Culture C BSTR
195. HPV Genotypes 16 and 18/45 HPV16/18/45
196. Creatinine Random Urine CRRU
197. Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) by IFA with Reflex ANACR
198. Pregnancy Test, Serum SPREG
199. Protein Total Serum TP
200. Osmolality Serum OSMO
201. Vitamin B6 VB6
202. Cardiolipin Ab Screen/Reflex CARDS
203. Protein, Random Urine TPRU
204. H. Pylori Urea Breath Test HPYLOR-UBT
205. Vitamin A VITA
206. Oxycodone Urine OXYUR
207. Cancer Antigen 27-29 CA2729
208. Gestational Glucose Tolerance Screen (50g ADA) PP1
210. Parvovirus B19 IgG/IgM Antibodies PARVO
211. Group B Beta Strep DNA (PCR) D GBS
212. Celiac Panel CELIACPAN
213. Beta-Hydroxybutyrate BOHB
215. Stool Culture C STL
216. Hepatitis C RNA Qual HEPCRNAQL
217. Vaginitis Plus with Candida VAGPLCAN
218. Hepatitis B PCR Quant HEPBPCR
219. Methylmalonic Acid Serum METHYLMA
220. Legionella Urinary Antigen LEGU
222. Fructosamine FRUC
224. Antismooth Muscle AB ASM
225. CMV IgG Antibody CMVIGG
226. Immunoglobulin G IGG
227. Immunoglobulin E IGE
228. Scleroderma Antibodies SCL70 AB
229. Transglutaminase IgG and IgA TRANSGLUT
230. Silica Clotting Time SCT
231. C-Peptide CPEP
232. Anti-Mullerian Hormone AMH
233. Toxoplasma IgG Antibody TOXOIGG
234. Beta-2 Microglobulin, Serum B2M
235. Calprotectin Fecal CALPRO
236. Expanded Cystic Fibrosis Panel CFPLUS
237. Thyroid Stim Immunoglobulin TSIMM
238. Antimitochondrial Ab AMA
239. Urea Urine Random UREARU
240. ANCA Reflex MPO and PROT3 ANCA Reflex MPO and PROT3
241. CMV IgM Antibody CMVIGM
242. Tissue Culture/Gram Stain C TIS
243. Acid Fast Sputum AF SPT
244. BF Cell Count BF CELL CT
245. Immunoglobulin M IGM
246. Gestational Glucose Tolerance Test (Fasting, 1, 2, 3 hours, 100g ADA) 3 Hr Glucose Tolerance (Gest)
247. Ceruloplasmin CERU
248. Lithium, Serum LI
249. Fentanyl Urine URFENT
250. Angiotensin 1 Converting Enzyme ANG1
251. Cystatin-C with GFR CYSTC
252. Respiratory Allergy Profile, North East w/ Reflex RNE
253. Urinalysis-Dipstick UAD
254. TSH Receptor AB TSHRAB
255. Zinc Plasma ZINC
256. Lipoprotein (A) LIPOA
257. Aldosterone Serum ALDOST
258. Digoxin DIG
259. Toxoplasma IgM Antibody TOXOIGM
260. Erythropoietin ERYP
261. Fibrinogen Clauss FIBC
262. Cardiolipin Ab IgG CARDIGG
263. Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 IgG Ab B2G 1 IgG Ab
264. Centromere Antibodies CENTB AB
265. IGF-1 IGF-1
266. Potassium Urine Random KRU
267. Sex Hormone Binding Globulin SHBG
268. Cardiolipin Ab IgM CARDIGM
269. Hepatitis Be AG HEPBEAG
270. Apolipoprotein B APOB
271. Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 IgM Ab B2G 1 IgM Ab
272. Hepatitis Be AB HEPBEAB
273. HSV 1/2 VZV Lesions, PCR HSV12 VZV PCR
274. Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone, Plasma ACTH
275. 17 Hydroxyprogesterone HYPR
276. Heparin Assay (Unfractionated) HAS
277. Streptococcus pneumoniae Ag, Urine STREPAGUR
278. Dog Dander (e5) RDOG
279. APTT 50/50 Mix APTT50/50
280. Fungus Culture F OTH
281. Cat Dander (e1) RCAT
282. Kidney Stone Analysis STONE
283. Vancomycin Level, Random VANCORND
284. Fasting Blood Glucose FBS
285. Full T Cell Subset FTHS
286. Syphilis Titer SYPH TITER
287. Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 IgA Ab B2G 1 IgA Ab
288. Adult Food Panel RAFP
289. Anti-JO 1 Antibody AJO
290. Alcohol Biomarkers Quant UR Alcohol Biomarkers Quant UR
291. Chloride Urine Random CLRU
292. Estrogens Total ESTR
293. Alpha 1 Antitrypsin AAT
294. Protein, Fluid TPF
295. Genital Culture C GEN
296. Copper CU
297. Fungus Body Fluid F BF
298. Glucose, Fluid GLUF
299. Fungitell ß-D Glucan, Serum FUNGITELL
300. Platelet Count PLT
301. Common Ragweed (w1) RRAGW
302. CL Cytology Non Gyn Request CL FL CYTO
303. Lead (Maternal) LEADMAT
304. Peanuts (f13) RPEANUTS
305. Chromatin Antibody CHROMAB
306. Walnut (f256) RWALNUT
307. LDH, Fluid LDHF
308. Hemoglobin HGB
309. AT III Activity/Antigen with Reflex AT3 FUNCT
310. Liver-Kidney Microsomal (LKM) Antibodies LKM
311. Immunofixation Urine IMMFXU
312. Acid Fast Body Fluid AF BF
313. Cardiolipin IgA CARDIGA
314. Acid Fast Tissue AF TIS
315. FS FS
316. Allergen Peanut Component Panel RPEANUTCP
317. GC Amplification NGAMP
318. Measles/Mumps/Rubella IgG MMR
319. Aldolase ALDOLASE
320. Electrophoresis, Random Urine w/Interp and Reflex UPELECTRU
321. Almond (f20) RALMOND
322. Pistachio (f203) RPISTACHIO
323. Cashew Nut (f202) RCASHEW
324. Hepatitis A IgG w/reflex HEP-M HEPAGX
325. Asthma Panel RASTHMA
326. Albumin, Fluid ALBF
327. Cortisol Free, Serum FCORT
328. Monkeypox, DNA, PCR MPOX
329. Factor VIII Assay FACTORVIII
330. Pecan Nut (f201) RPECAN
331. Bronchial Culture C BR
332. Dehydroepiandrosterone DHEA
333. Acid Fast Smear/Culture AF OTH
334. BK Virus DNA BK Virus
335. Tick-Borne Ab panel, Serum TICKS
336. Metanephrine Plasma METANPL
337. Epstein Barr-Virus DNA by PCR EBVPCR
338. Babesia Antibodies BABE
339. Collagen Type I C-Telopeptide CTX
340. CSF Cell Count CSF COUNT
341. Thyroglobulin Antibodies ATYGL
342. Ehrlichia Antibodies ERLICIA
343. Chlamydia Amplification CTAMP
344. Acid Fast Bronchial AF BR
345. House Dust Mite (Farinea) (d2) RDERMAT
346. Hazel Nut (f17) RHAZEL
347. Renin Activity, Plasma RENINACT
348. Timothy Grass (g6) RTGRASS
349. Protein C Activity/Antigen with Reflex PC FUNCT
350. House Dust Mite (Pterony) (d1) RDPTERO
351. Protein, 24 HR Urine TP24
352. Ribosomal P AB RIBOP
353. Common Silver Birch (t3) RBIRCH
354. Vitamin E VITE
355. CSF Culture/Gram Stain C CSF
356. Mold (Alternaria Alternata) (m6) RALTERN
357. IgG Subsets IGGSUB
358. Ureaplasma/Mycoplasma Culture C UREA
359. Goose Feathers (e70) RGOOSE
360. Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase(GAD65) Ab, Serum GAD
361. Manual Diff Add On MDIFF
362. Egg White (f1) REGGWHITE
363. Anti-Streptolysin O ASO
364. Cancer Antigen 15-3 CA15
365. Mycoplasma IgM Ab MYCO IGM
366. Lamictal Lamotrigine
367. Trees Panel RTREES
368. Oak Tree (t7) ROAK
369. Mold (Cladosporium) (m2) RCLADO
370. Buprenorphine QuaNT Ur Confirm BUPQNTUR
371. Protein, CSF PROTCSF
372. Molds Panel RMOLDS
373. Glucose, CSF GLUCSF
374. Ketone Bodies Blood Screen KETONE
375. APC Resistance APC RESIST
376. Cockroach (i6) RCOCKRO
377. Mugwort (w6) RMUGWORT
378. Bile Acids Total BILEACID
379. Pancreatic Elastase, Stool ELAS
380. Hazelnut Component Panel RHAZELNUTCP
381. Strep (Rapid) Group A C STR RAP
382. Clozapine and Metabolite CLOZAPN
383. Opiate QuaNT Ur Confirmation OPI CON
384. Free Protein S Antigen PS
385. Bone Specific Alk Phosphatase ALKPBONE
386. Thyroid Binding Globulin TBG
387. Rocky MT Spotted Fever AB IgG/IgM RMSFG
388. Shrimp (f24) RSHRIMP
389. Direct Renin Plasma RENIN
390. P2Y12 Plt Response Test PLT P2Y12
391. Culture, Joint Fluid C JOINT
392. Von Willebrand Antigen VWF AG
393. Food Allergy Panel w/Reflex FOODX
394. Sesame Seed (f10) RSESAME
395. Myeloperoxidase Antibodies MPO
396. Brazil Nut (f18) RBRAZIL
397. Mold (Asperg Fumigatus) (m3) RASPER
398. Milk (f2) RMILK
399. Nose Culture C NOSE
400. Protein S Activity PSACT
401. Cashew Nut Component Panel RCASHEWNUTCP
402. Troponin-I TROPI
403. Aspergillus (Galactomannan) Ag ASPAG
404. Proteinase 3 Antibody PROT3
405. Soluable Transferrin Receptor STR
406. Walnut Component Panel RWALNUTCP
407. Alkaline Phosphatase, Isoenzymes ALKPISO
408. HEP B Surface AG Perinatal HEPBSAGPN
409. Duck Feathers (e86) RDUCK
410. Protein elect Urn/interp/reflx UPELECT
411. Fungus Tissue F TIS
412. Glycomark GLYCOMK
413. Human Growth Hormone HGH
414. VWF Ristocetin: Cofactor VWF ACT
415. Diluted Thrombin Time DTT
418. Comprehensive Celiac Cascade CDCOM
419. Platelet Count, Blue Top PLTBLUE
420. Group B Beta Strep PCR - Penicillin Allergic D GBSPENR
421. Dust Allergen Panel Serum RDUST1
423. Heparin Induced Platelet AB HIPA
424. Strongyloides Antibodies STRONG
425. Intrinsic Factor Antibodies IFAB
426. Folate RBC FOLRBC
427. PH, Body Fluid PHF
428. Throat Culture Special C THF
429. CL TS CL-TS
430. Complement Total CH50 CH50
431. Tryptase TRYPT
432. C diff Toxin/GDH w/Rflx to PCR CDIFFAB
433. Fungus Bronchial F BR
434. Alcohol, Ethyl, Quant Urine ALCQNUR
435. Weeds Panel RWEEDS
436. Amnisure Amnisure
437. Islet Cell Antibodies ICAB
438. Culture ENT(Ear,Nose,Throat) C ENT
439. Crystals, Synovial Fluid SYCRY
440. Parathyroid Related Protein PTHRP
441. Pine nut (Rf253) RPINENUT
442. Methylmalonic Acid & Homocysteine METHHOMO
443. Oligoclonal Banding OLIGO
444. CPK Isoenzymes Electrophoresis CKISO
445. Box-Elder/Maple Tree (t1) RMAPLE
446. Vaginitis with Candida VAGCAN
447. Creatinine, 24 HR Urine CR24
448. Grasses Panel RGRASS
449. Sickle Cell Screen SICKLE SCR
450. Drug Screen Serum Routine DRUGBLD
451. Comprehensive Screen Urine CSURINE
452. Macadamia nut (Rf345) RMACADAMIA
453. Trypanosoma Antibodies TRYPNSAB
454. Soybean (f14) RSOYB
455. Oxcarbazepine OXCARB
456. Crab (f23) RCRAB
457. Lobster (f80) RLOBSTER
458. Varicella Zoster AB IgM VZVIGM
459. ASCA IgA and IgG Antibodies ASCA
460. Wheat (f4) RWHEAT
461. Androstenedione ANDSTEN
462. Protime 50/50 Mix PT50/50
463. Phenobarbitol PHENO
464. Hematocrit HCT
465. Mold (Penicillium Chrysogenum) (m1) Mold (Penicillium Chrysogenum) (m1)
466. Fish, Cod (f3) RCOD
467. Plantain (English Ribwort) (w9) RENGPLN
468. Cyclosporine CSP
469. Soluble Liver Antigen AB Soluble Liver Antigen AB
470. Lupus Anticoagulant LUPUSAC
471. Clam (f207) RCLAM
472. Elm Tree (t8) RELM
473. Histone Antibodies HISTONE AB
474. Amylase, Body Fluid AMYF
475. CSF IgG Index CSF Index
476. Lupus Anticoagulant Cascade Reflex LAC Reflex
477. Brazil Nut Component Panel RBRAZILNUTCP
478. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin- TM HCG-TM
479. Vitamin C VITC
480. Pneumococcal IgG- 23 Serotypes PNEUM
481. Carbamazepine CARBAM
482. ML Sycamore, London Plane (t11) RSYCAMORE
483. Phosphatidylethanol (Peth) PETH
484. Methotrexate MTRX
485. Mycoplasma IgG Ab MYCO IGG
486. Tetanus Antibodies TETA
488. Viral Culture-Herpes V VCH
489. RNA Polymerase III IgG RNAIGG
490. Gram Stain C GS
491. Salmon (f41) RSALMON
492. Acid Fast CSF AF CSF
493. White Ash (t15) RWHITEASH
494. Transglutaminase IgG TTGIGG
495. Phospholipase A2 Resp Ab PLA2R
496. Ehrlichia/Anaplasma PCR, Blood EHRLPCR
497. LMW Heparin Assay(AntiXa) LMW Heparin Assay
498. Acetylcholine Receptor Binding Ab ACRAB
499. Antiparietal Cell AB PCAB
500. Blood Gas/COOX Arterial GASACX
501. Kleihauer Betke OB/rhogam KB OB/rhogam
502. Common Pigweed (w14) RPIGWEED
503. Ovamucoid (f233) ROVAMUCOID
504. Cortisol PM Serum CORTPM
505. Triiodothyronine Reverse T3REV
507. Catecholamines, Plasma CAT
508. Obstetric Panel OBSTETRIC
509. C.Difficile GDH and Toxin A&B EIA CDIF EIA
510. June Grass (g8) RJGRASS
511. Gluten (f79) RGLUTEN
512. Cryoglobulin CRYOGLOB
513. Scallop (f338) RSCALLOP
514. Glomerular Basement Membrane A GBMAB
515. Serotonin Releasing Assay SRA
516. Goosefoot, Lambs Quarter (w10) RLAMBSQ
517. CMV by Qualitative PCR, Saliva CMVSAL
518. Lacosamide (Vimpat) LACOSAMI
519. Clozapine Level Clozapine
520. Hexagonal Phase Lupus Assay HEX PHS LA
521. Casein (f78) RCASEIN
522. HSV1/2 PCR Detection, CSF D HSV12
523. Measles (Rubeola) IgM MRIGM
524. Vitamin K VITK
525. Myomarker Panel 3 MYOMARK3
526. Pollen Allergy Panel RPOLLEN
527. Giant Ragweed (w3) RGRAGW
528. Hepatitis C Virus - Fibrosure FIBROSURE
529. Coconut (f36) RCOCONUT
530. Wrights Stain Stool WRIGHT ST
531. PTH Intact, Intraoperative PTHII
533. Factor IX Assay FACTOR IX
535. Calcium, 24 HR Urine CA24
536. Perennial Allergy Panel PERENNIAL
537. Selenium Serum SELE
538. Tuna (f40) RTUNA
539. Rovalbumin (f232) ROVALBUMIN
540. Insulin Like GF Binding Prot 3 ILGFBP3
541. Aspergillus Antibodies ASP
542. Alpha 1 Anti Trypsin Pheno Grp AATPHENO
543. Nut Panel RNUT
544. Zinc Transporter 8 Ab ZINCTRANS
545. Eye Culture/Gram Stain C EYE
546. Orchard Grass (g3) RORCHARD
547. Juniper (Red Cedar t6) RJUNIPER
548. Rubella IgM RUBEM
549. Factor XI Assay FACTOR XI
550. Vaginitis Panel (includes Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma) VAGPLUS
551. Human Growth Hormone Timed HGHT
552. Hepatitis C Genotyping HEPCGENO
553. Calcitonin CALCTN
554. Bartonella IgG, IgM Antibodies BARTG
555. THC QuaNT Ur Confirmation THCQNTUR
556. Vitamin B2 VITB2
557. Lactoferrin, Fecal, Quantitative LACTOQN
558. Phosphatidyl Serine Antibodies PSAB
559. Free T4 Dialysis FT4DIAL
561. VDRL Spinal Fluid VDRLCSF
562. Cottonwood (t14) RCOTTONWD
563. Anti DNAse B Titer DNASE
564. Egg Yolk (f75) REGGYOLK
565. Alpha-Globin Common Mutation ALPHAGLOBIN
566. HLA Antigen B5701 zHLAB5701
567. High Resolution Chromosomal Microarray(MicroarrayDx) GenomeDx
568. Bioavailable Testosterone(Free and Weakly Bound) BIOTEST
569. Oyster (f290) ROYSTER
570. Salivary Cortisol CORTSAL
571. IgG4 Subclass IGGS4
572. Very Low Density Lipids VLDL
573. VWF Multimer VWF-MULTIM
574. Stool Fat Qualitative SFAT
575. Animals Panel RANIMALS
576. Platelet Aggregation PLT AGG
577. Encephalopathy Autoimmune Eval, S ENS2
578. Acetylcholine Blocking AB ACBLAB
579. Inhibin B INHIBINB
580. Mercury HG
581. Carboxyhemoglobin COHB
582. Core Lab Panel 1061 CL PAN1061
583. Electrolytes LYTES
584. Actinomyces Culture C ACTINO
585. Cerebrospinal Fluid, LDH LDHCSF
586. JAK2V617F Mutation Analysis, Qualitative, With Reflex to JAK2 Exon 12-15 Mutation Analysis JAK2RLX
587. Bence Jones/Protein Urine BJCONC
588. Acetylcholine Modulating AB ACMAB
589. Mulberry (t70) RMULBERRY
590. Myoglobulin Serum MYOG
591. Suboxone Suboxone
592. Interleukin-6 INTERLEU6
593. JAK2 Exons 12,13,14,15 JAK2EXON
594. Celiac HLA DQ Association HLADQ
595. Dihydrotestosterone DHT
596. 14.3.3 eta Protein 14.3.3 eta Protein
597. Uric Acid Urine Random URICRU
598. Insulin Antibodies Insulin Antibodies
599. Diphtheria Antibodies DIPA
600. Heavy Metals, Blood HMET
601. Hepatitis E Ab IgM HEPEIGM
602. Blue Mussel (f37) RMUSSEL
603. Cryptococcal AG Serum CRYPT SER
604. Nicotine and Metabolite, Serum NICO
605. Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1/2 by PCR, Blood HSV12BLD
606. Seafood Panel RSEAFOOD
607. Factor V Assay FACTOR V
608. Platelet Response Aspirin PRA
609. Cortisol 24 Hr Urine Free CORT24 Free
610. Paraneoplastic Evaluation PARAN
611. Cytokine Panel, 13, Serum CYTOKINE
612. Fungus CSF F CSF
613. Blood Gases, Arterial GAS
614. Bermuda Grass (g2) RBGRASS
615. Free Kappa and Free Lambda Light Chains with Ratio, Urine FIMMUNOU
616. Osteocalcin OSTE
617. Chronic Urticaria Panel CUINDEX
618. Triglycerides, Fluid TRIGF
619. Mouse Urine Protein (e72) RMOUSETPU
620. Valproic Acid Free VALPF
621. Flounder (Rf147) RFLOUNDER
622. Dexamethasone Level DEXAMETH
623. Eosinophil Count EO COUNT
624. Mustard (f89) RMUSTARD
625. Hepatitis Delta Antibodies HDELTA
626. Alpha Lactalbumin (f76) RALLACTA
627. Fungus Sputum F SPT
628. Nicotine and Metabolites, Ur NICOU
629. Sunflower seed (k84) RSUNFLOWER
630. Creatinine Clearance CRCLEAR
631. Infliximab Concentration & Ab INFLIXIMAB
632. Blood Gas/COOX, Mixed GASMCX
633. Disaccharidase in Tissue DISAC
634. HIV-1 RNA Qualitative HIV1 RNA QL
635. Maize, Corn (f8) RCORN
636. Blood Parasites P BLD
637. Lupus Anticoag/Cardiolipin LUPUS
638. Lyme Antibodies CSF, Line Blot LYMECSF
639. Hepatitis E Antibodies, IgG HEPEIGG
640. C1 Esterase Inhibitor C1ESTIN
641. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis Panel HSPP
642. Beta Lactoglobulin (f77) RBETALAC
643. MuSK Antibody Test MUSK AB
644. American Beech (t5) RAMBEECH
645. Estradiol Ultrasensitive ESTRAULTRA
646. Coxsackie A Virus AB COXSACK
647. Cryptococcal AG CSF CRYPTAG
648. Borrelia miyamotoi PCR,Blood BMIYB
649. Factor VII Assay FACTOR VII
650. Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO)/Aquaporin-4-IgG Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) Assay, Serum NMO
651. PSA Post - Prostatectomy PSA Post
652. Hickory t22) RHICKORY
653. AFP and AFP-L3 AFPL3
654. Urine Culture - Beta Strep C UR BETA
655. Galactose-Alpha-1,3-Galactose IgE ALPHAGAL
656. Inflam Bowel Disease Panel IBDPANEL
657. Redtop, Bentgrass (g9) RREDTOP
658. Calcium Creat Ration Urine CACRU
659. Gestational Glucose Tolerance Test 75g ADA (Fasting, 1, 2 hours) GTT2G
660. Sheep sorrel (w18) RSSORREL
661. Herpes Simplex 1/2 (IgG) with Reflex to HSV-2 Inhibition HSV12IN
662. IBD sgi Diagnostic-Prometheus IBD
663. TPMT Enzyme TPMTENZ
664. Metanephrine, 24 Hr Urine METANEPH
665. Histamine HISTA
666. Factor XII FXII
668. Topiramate TOPR
669. Mouse (e88) RMOUSE
670. Mold (Curvularia m16) RCURVUL
671. Aspirate Culture/Gram Stain C ASP
672. Drug Screen with Alcohol Reflex to Confirmation DRUGSCALC
673. Estrone ESTRONE
674. Cytomegalovirus PCR Urine CMVPCRU
675. Fungus Blood F BLD
676. Magnesium RBC MGRBC
677. HTLVI/II Antibody Screen EIA HTLV
678. Gastrin Serum GASTRIN
679. Fibrinogen Antigen FIBAG
680. Coxsackie B Antibodies COXB
681. CREAT, Other Source CROTHS
682. Calcium Urine Random CARU
683. Factor X Assay FACTOR X
684. Apple (f49) RAPPLE
685. Pregnanolone, 17-OH HDXPN
686. Sirolimus(Rapamycin) RAPA
687. Carnitine CARNTN
688. Inhibin A INHAB
689. Mold (Mucor Racemosus) (m4) RMUCOR
690. DNA(ds) Ab, Crithidia w/reflex DNACRITH
691. Insulin Free INSFREE
692. Sickle HGB Elect NIHGBE
693. Amino Acid Screen, Plasma AAPLASMA
694. Prolactin Dilution Study PROL-DS
695. Histoplasma AG Immunoassay Uri HISIU
696. Ganglioside Antibodies GM1
697. Mold (Rhizopus m11) RRHIZO
698. Strawberry (f44) RSTRAWB
699. Prenatal Whole Genome Chromosomal Microarray PrenatSNP
700. Gram Stain STAT (RRL) C STGS
701. ONKOSIGHT Advanced NGS Myeloid Panel OnkoMyelo
702. Miscellaneous Allergen RMISC
703. Pneumocystis jiroveci PCR Pneum j PCR
704. Ecstasy, Urine (MDMA) MDMA U
705. Banana (f92) RBANANA
706. Iodine, Serum or Plasma Iodine, Serum
707. Clobazam, Serum CLOBAZAM
708. Myelin Basic Protein MYEL
709. Linseed /Flaxseed (Rf333) RLINSEED
710. Pea (f12) RPEA
711. Childhood Panel RCHILD
712. Tomato (f25) RTOMATO
713. ADAMTS13 Assay ADAMTS13
714. Thyroglobulin reflex to MS or IA HTGR
715. Oat (f7) ROAT
716. Polio Virus by Neutralization Polio Neut
717. Viscosity-Serum VISCOS-SO
718. Viral Culture, Non Respiratory VIRCUL
719. Feather Allergy Panel RFEATHER
720. Zonisamide ZONISAMIDE
721. Egg Component Profile EGGPANEL
722. Mold (Fusarium m9) RFUSAR
723. Phosphorous Urine Random PHOSRU
724. Acid Fast Urine AF UR
725. Mold (Aureobasidium m12) RAUREO
726. Factor II Assay FACTOR II
727. Cocklebur (w13) RCOCKLE
728. MOG Ab Reflex to Titer MOGS
729. 17-Hydroxyprogesterone HYPROG ESO
730. N-Telepeptides w/Creat COLLGN
731. LDH Isoenzymes LDHISO
732. West Nile Abs, CSF WNV-CSF
733. Cardio IQ Advanced Lipid Panel CARDIOIQ
735. Francisella Tularensis IgM and IgG Ab FRANCIS
736. Lipid Profile w/non-HDL Cholesterol LIPIDNHDL
737. C1 Esterase Functional C1ESRFUNCT
738. Beef (f27) RBEEF
739. Pineapple (f210) RPINEAPPLE
740. Neuron Specific Enolase NSE
741. Synthetic Cannabinoids K2, Spice K2SPICE
742. Mumps IgM Mumps IgM
743. Haemophilus Influenza AB HFB
744. Adenosine Deaminase, Pl Fld ADENDEAPL
745. Tick ID with Reflex to Lyme Disease DNA PCR, TICK TICKID
746. Rat Serum Protein (e75) RRATSTP
747. Bile Acids Fractionated BILEFRACT
748. MTB and Rifampin PCR MTBPCR
749. HIV-1 Genotype (RTI,PI,Integrase Inhibitors) HIVG
750. Encephalopathy Eval,CSF ENC1
751. Microalbumin, Timed Urine MALB24
752. Catecholamines, Urine CATU
754. LDL Particles NMR, Plasma NMR
755. Tilapia (Rf414) RTILAPIA
756. Lysozyme Serum LYSO
757. Dilantin Free DILFREE
758. West Nile Abs,Serum WEST NILE
759. Legionella Culture C LEG
761. 50/50 PT/APTT Group 50/50 COAG
762. Walnut Tree (t10) RWALNTTREE
764. Pediatric Foods Panel RPEDFOODS
765. Avocado (f96) RAVOCADO
766. C. difficile Toxin B CDIFB
767. Saltworth, Russian Thistle (w11) RRUSTH
768. Engraftment-Post VNTRPOST
769. HIV-1 GenoSure Archive HIVARCHIVE
771. Orange (f33) RORANGE
772. Peach (f95) RPEACH
773. Kiwi Fruit (f84) RKIWI
775. Adalimumab & Adalimumab Ab ADALIMUMAB
776. Parvovirus DNA by PCR, Plasma PARVOPCR
777. Amikacin Trough AMIKT
778. Chicken Meat (f83) RCHICKEN
779. Engraftment/Chimerism on Enriched Cell Populations, CD3 and CD33 Enrichment CD3/CD33
780. Mycophenolic Acid, Serum MYCOPH
781. Mold (Setomelanomma Rostrata) (m8) RHELM
782. ESO Cortisol CORT ESO
783. Vitamin B3-Niacin NIACIN
784. Pre Mature Adrenarch Profile 1 ADRENARCH
785. Meadow Fescue (g4) RFESCUE
786. IgE Receptor Ab IGERAB
787. Angiotensin Convert Enz CSF ACE CSF
788. Rye Grass (g5) RPRYE
789. MyoMarker Panel 3 Plus MyoMarker3 P
790. C1 Q Complement C1QCOMP
791. Fungitell B-D-Glucan BAL FUNBAL
792. Pork (f26) RPORK
793. EBV PCR Detect, CSF D EBV
794. Dairy Products Allergy Panel RDAIRYPRODUCTS
795. Aluminum ALUM
796. Metanephrines, Random Urine METANRU
797. Serotonin Serum SERO SERUM
798. Bordetella Pertussis IgG/IgM BPTAB
799. Torch Panel, IgM TORCHM
800. Mycoplasma genitalium TMA MGPCR
801. Myoglobin Urine MYORU
802. Gentamycin Level, Trough GENT
803. Proinsulin PROINS
804. Toxocara AB IgG TOXOCARI
805. White Blood Cell Count WBC
806. H.pylori Urea Breath Test Pediatric HPYLOR-UBT PEDS
807. Fibrin Split Products FIB SPLIT
808. Carotene Serum CAROTENE
809. Drug Screen Screen Only, Oral Fluid ORALSCR
810. Carrot (f31) RCARROT
811. KOH/Calcofluor White Stain F KOH
812. Bordetella spp. PCR D PERT
814. Rice (f9) RRICE
815. Halibut (Rf303) RHALIBUT
816. Acylcarnitine, Quant Plasma ACYL
817. Islet Antigen 2 (IA-2) Ab, Serum IA2
818. 4K Prostate Score (Serum) 4K Score
819. MAG Antibody Reflex to MAG-SGPG & MAG, EIA MAGA
821. Organic Acids Urine ORGACDU
822. Fungus Cutaneous F CUT
823. Factor XIII Activity FACT13 ACT
824. Platelet Antibodies PLAA
825. FACTOR XIII Antigen Factor XIII Antigen
826. Ketamine Qualitative, Urine KETA
827. Cocoa (f93) RCOCOA
828. HPV DNA High-Risk, Anal/Rectal HPVANAL
829. Everolimus, Whole Blood EVEROL
830. Cherry (f242) RCHERRY
831. Mango fruit (f91) RMANGO
832. Theophylline, Serum THEO
833. Coenzyme Q10 COENZQ10
834. Coccidiodes Ab Serum with Reflex COCC
835. Leukotriene E4, Random Ur LTE4RU
836. 5HIAA w/Creatinine 24 hr UR 5HIAA
837. Catheter Culture C CATH
838. Barley (f6) RBARLEY
839. Lymphocyte Mitogen Prolif Lymphocyte Mitogen Prolif
840. Kidney Stone Urine Test STONEDIAG
841. NMDA Ab IgG with reflex titer NMDAIGG
842. Inhibitor Assay (Bethesda Unit) FACT INHIB
843. Allergen Fruit Panel RFRUIT
844. Interleukin 2 Receptor, Soluble, Serum IL2RECEP
845. Early Sjogren's Syndrome EARLYSJOG
846. Melon (f87) RMELON
847. Pyruvate PYRUV
848. Cholesterol, Fluid CHOLF
849. Potato (f35) RPOTATO
850. Infection Control Culture MRSA C INF MRSA
851. Lactose Tolerance Test GLUC-LT
852. HMGCR Antibody, IgG HMGCR Ab
853. Garlic (f47) RGARLIC
854. Magnesium Urine Random MGRU
855. Chick pea (Rf309) RCHICKPEA
856. Blueberry (Rf288) RBLUEBERRY
857. Yeast (f45) RYEAST
858. Osmolality Stool OSMOS
859. Omega-3 and 6 Fatty Acids Omega-3
860. Turkey Meat (f284) RTURKEY
861. Gray Alder (t2) RGRYALDER
862. Latex Enhanced (Rk82) RLATEX
863. HE4 Ovarian Cancer HE4
864. Ovarian Malignancy Risk (ROMA) ROMA
865. Green Bean (f315) RBEAN
866. Arsenic, Blood ARSENIC
867. Grape (f259) RGRAPE
868. Cheese, Cheddar Type (f81) RCHEDDAR
869. Hepatitis D Ab IgM HEPDIGM
870. Chlamydia Serology, Serum CHLAM
871. Pregnenolone Pregnenolone (ESO)
872. Mouse Epithelium (e71) RMOUSEEPI
873. Rye (f5) RRYE
874. Fetal Fibronectin FFN
875. Sweet Vernal Grass (g1) RVERNAL
876. Pear (f94) RPEAR
877. West Nile RT-PCR WNPCR
878. Schistosoma Antibodies IgG SCHSAB
879. Brucella IgG/IgM Antibodies BRUCEAB
880. Onion (f48) RONION
881. Vectra DA Disease Activity Test VECTRADNA
882. Tick Analysis by PCR LYMETICK
883. Cashew Nut (f202) w/reflex to Components RCASHEWX
884. Acid Fast Blood AF BLD
885. CD34, Absolute Count CD34ABS
887. Whitebean (f15) RWHITEBEAN
888. Voriconazole Level VORICON
889. Lentil (f235) RLENTIL
890. 2,3-Dinor 11 Beta-Prostaglandin F2 Alpha, 24 Hour, Urine 23BPG24
891. N-Methylhistamine, 24hr UR NMETHHIS24
892. Chromium CHR
893. JC Virus DNA by PCR, CSF JC Virus DNA
894. Complement Alternate Pathway(AH50), Functional AH50
895. Immunoglobulin D IGD
896. Striated Muscle Antibody Reflex to Titer SKMAB
897. Egg (f245) REGG
898. Thiopurine Metabolites 6MP
899. Legionella AB LEGI
900. Mycoplasma Genital Profile, Urine MycoGenUR
901. Insect Allergy Panel RINSECT
902. PI-Linked Antigen PILINK
903. Cheese, Mold Type (f82) RCHEESE
904. Herpes Virus 6 Antibodies HERP6
905. Amphetamines, URN Barc AMPHU
906. Rheumatoid Arthritis RheumAssure(R) IDENTRA
907. Mycoplasma pneumoniae PCR MYCOPCR
908. Echinococcus Antibody IgG ECHINO
910. Cedar (Rt212) RCEDAR
911. Histoplasmosis Serology HISTO
912. Apolipoproteins APO
913. IgE Antibody(Anti-IgE IgG) IGEAB
914. Rotavirus EIA V ROTV
915. Broccoli (f260) RBROCCOLI
916. Furry Animal Component Panel RFURRYCP
917. Cold Hemagglutinins COLD AGG
918. Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) VITB5
919. Mannose Binding Lectin MBL
920. Lettuce (f215) RLETTUCE
921. Electrolytes, Stool LYTESTOOL
922. Hazel Nut (f17) w/reflex to Components RHAZELX
923. Leptospirosis ,IgM Antibodies LEPTO
924. Cortisol Additional CORTADD
925. Hypoglycemic Panel-Sulfonylureas SULFUREA
926. Apolipoprotein A1 APOA1
927. Entamoeba Histolytica Serology EHISTO
928. AVISE HCQ (Hydrochloroquine) AVISEHCQ
929. Trichinella Ab, IgG Serum TRICHAB
930. Amiodarone AMIO
931. Eggplant (Rf262) REGGPLANT
932. Alpha Subunit ALPSUB ESO
933. Brazil Nut (f18) w/reflex to Components RBRAZILX
934. Varicella Zoster DNA, PCR VZVPCR
935. Phospholipids PHOSPHOL
936. Adenovirus PCR, Plasma ADENOPCR
937. Johnson Grass (g10) RJOHNSON
938. Ova/Parasite Other P OTH
939. Chlamydia Pneumonea AB CPAB
940. Histamine 24 Hr Urine HIST24
941. Blackberry (Rf211) RBLKBERRY
942. .Thyroglobulin Mass Spec Serum TGMS
943. Squid (Rf258) RSQUID
944. Parsley (f86) RPARSLEY
945. HLA B*58:01 HLAB58
946. Soy Component Panel RSOYCP
947. Copper 24 Hr or Random Urine CUUR
948. Breast Cancer Management Panel BC Mgmt Pnl
949. Leukotriene E4, 24 Hr Urine LTE424
950. Voltage-gated Ca Channel Ab VGCC
951. Culture, Neisseria gonorrhoeae C GC
952. Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Mutation AATMUT
953. Dialysis Fluid Culture C PD
954. Meat Allergy Panel RMEAT
955. Leptin Leptin
956. Verifi Prenatal Test (VERIFI) Verifi Prenatal Test
957. MOG Ab with Reflex to Titer, CSF MOGCSF
958. Amikacin Peak AMIKP
959. HU Antibodies HUA
960. Serotonin Blood SERO
961. Horse Dander (e3) RHORSE
962. Penicilloyl G (c1) RPENICG
963. Rough Marsh Elder (w16) RROUGHME
964. Sulfatide Antibodies SULFA
965. Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) Plasma VASO
966. Thyroid Cancer Mutation Panel THYCANPL
967. 2,3-Dinor-11 Beta Prostaglandin F2 Alpha, Random Urine 23BPR
968. Vascular Endothelial GF(VEGF) VEGF
969. CO2, Serum CO2
970. 21-Hydroxylase AB (Adrenal Ab) ADRENALAB
971. Coffee (f221) RCOFFEE
972. Histoplasma AG Immunoassay Serum HISTPL
973. Comprehensive Common Cancer Panel Comp Cancer
974. Cobalt Plasma COBALT
975. Phenylalanine and Tyrosine PHENYLAL
976. Chestnut sweet (f299) RCHESTNUT
977. C2 Complement C2
978. Blastomyces Antibodies BLASTO
979. Bahia grass (g17) RBAHIA
980. ZIKA PCR Serum ZIKAPCRSerum
981. PH Stool ST PH
982. Zinc RBC ZRBC
983. Phosphatidylserine/Prothrombin Antibody, IgG and IgM, Serum PSPT
984. Neurontin NEURNTN
985. C1Q Binding C1QBIND
986. Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide(VIP) VIP
987. Epicoccum purpurascens mold (m14) REPICOC
988. Penicilloyl V (c2) RPENICV
989. BK Virus DNA Urine BKVIRUSUR
990. Hepatitis E Virus by Quant PCR HEPEPCR
991. Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase (DPYD) DPYD
992. Lysosomal Acid Lipase Activity, BLD LYSOAL
993. PAI-1 Activity PAI-1
994. HHV-6 PCR Detection D HV6
995. Tobramycin Trough TOBRAT
996. Histoplasma AG Immunoassay CSF HISTPLCSF
997. Beta-Globin Complete BETAGLOB
998. c-KIT Mutation Analysis in Tumors of Hematopoietic Tissue c-KIT
999. Pinworm Prep P PINW
1000. PML/RARA Quantitative, PCR PML/RARA
1001. Walnut (f256) w/reflex to Components RWALNUTX
1002. VERIFI Prenatal Test w/ Microdeletion Verifi Prenatal Test with Microdeletions
1003. Sodium, 24 HR Urine NA24
1004. Estriol, Unconjugated E3
1005. Neutrophil Oxidative Burst (DHR) NBT
1006. Manganese, Whole Blood MANGWB
1007. Dengue Virus Antibodies DENGUE
1008. Heat Shock Protein 70 IgG by Immunoblot (68KD) 68KD
1009. Ganglioside GQ 1b IgG GQ1B
1010. Acid Fast Stool AF STL
1011. Allergen - Candida albicans (m5) RCANDIDA
1012. Sage (f344) RSAGE
1013. Mutton (f88) RMUTTON
1014. Primidone and Phenobarbital PRIM
1015. Glucose Tolerance Test (75g ADA) Fasting and 2 hr Glucose
1016. Reducing Substances Stool ST REDUCE
1017. Paraneoplastic AB Eval, CSF PARANCSF
1018. VWF Panel CL VWF
1019. Bullous Pemphigoid, BP180/BP230, IgG BP
1020. Beta-2 Transferrin, Body Fluid B2TRANS
1021. Cryocrit CRYOCRIT
1022. Tumor Necrosis Factor TNF
1023. SensoriMotor Neuropathy Profile w/ recombx SensoriMotor
1024. Oxalate, 24 hr Urine OXALATE
1025. Lymphocyte Antigens ANTIG/MITO
1026. Grains Allergy Panel RGRAINS
1027. Hereditary Neuropathy Panel NeuroSeq
1028. Syphilis Testing For Immigration SYPH IMMIG
1029. 5 Nucleotidase 5NUC
1030. 5 HIAA (serotonin) Random Urn 5HIAARU
1031. Common Cancer Management Panel CC MGMT Panel
1032. Amphetamine QuaNT Ur Confirm AMPQNTUR
1033. Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Stool AATST
1034. Hep B Genotype and Drug Resistance HEPBDRUG
1035. AFB Smear AF SM
1036. N-Methylhistamine, Random Ur NMHR
1037. Citrate, 24 hr Urine CIT24
1038. Ethylene Glycol ETG
1039. Catecholamine Frac Random Urn CATERU
1040. Parasitemia, Blood P Parasitemia
1041. LRP4 Autoantibody Test LRP4
1043. Cadmium CADMN
1044. Histamine, Random Urine HISTRU
1045. Natural Killer Cells, Functional NKCELL
1046. Ethosuximide ETHX
1048. Uric Acid, 24 HR URIC24
1049. Methemoglobin METHB
1050. Lambert Eaton/Myasthenia Gravis Evaluation, Serum LEABX
1051. OVA1 OVA1
1054. Fungus Genital F GEN
1055. Voltage-Gated K Channel Ab VGKCAB
1056. Blood Gas/COOX Venous GASVCX
1057. Vanillylmandelic Acid, 24 Hr Urine VMA24
1058. Combined Mito Genome Plus Mito MitGenPlus
1059. E.Histolytica Ag, EIA Stool EHISAG
1060. Risperidone and Metabolite RISP
1061. Hemoglobin Free, Plasma HBGPLS
1062. Amylase Isoenzyme AMYISO
1063. Enterovirus PCR, Other Sources ENTEROPCR
1064. Coxsackie B (1-6) Ab, CSF CoxB1-6CSF
1065. Phencyclidine, Urine PCPUR
1066. Chlamydia Trach Antibody CHLAMT
1067. Methylmalonic Acid Random Urn MMARU
1069. Beta-2 Microglobulin, Random Urine B2MUR
1070. Foresight Universal Carrier Screen Foresight TM Carrier Screen (UCS)
1071. Legionella species, Molecular Detection, PCR LEGIPCR
1072. Watermelon (Rf329) RWATERMELN
1073. Gentamycin Level, Peak GENP
1075. Red Kidney Bean (f287) RREDKID
1076. Histamine, Whole Blood HISTAWB
1077. Corticosteroid Binding Globulin CORTBIND
1078. Combined Cardiac Genetics Pnl CmbCardiac
1079. HLA B*51 Disease Association HLAB51
1080. Granulocyte Antibodies GRANAB
1081. SHOX Gene Sequencing SHOX
1082. Anti-PM/Scl-100 Ab PM/Scl
1083. Torch Panel TORCH
1084. Honey bee (i1) RHONEYBEE
1085. Chlamydia /GC/Trichomonas Amp-Thinprep CTNGTVTP
1086. Willow (t12) RWILLOW
1087. Q Fever Screen w/Reflex Abs QFEVER
1088. BRCA1/2 Gene Seq.Del/Du BRCA1/2Seq
1089. Foresight Universal PLUS Carrier w/FRX UCSPFRX
1090. Vitamin B7( Biotin) VITB7
1091. Carbamazepine, Free CARBFREE
1092. Felbamate FELBMT
1093. Zinc Protoporphyrin ZINCPROTO
1094. TPMT Genetics TPMT
1095. Vanillylmandelic Acid, Random Urine VMARU
1096. Desmoglein 1 and 3 DSG13
1097. JC Virus DNA PCR, Plasma JCVIRUS
1098. 14-3-3 Protein TAU, CSF 14-3-3 Protein TAU, CSF
1099. Red snapper (Rf381) RRSNAPPER
1100. Herpes-6 (HSV-6) PCR HERP6PCR
1101. Drug Screen Meconium-5 Panel DRUGMEC5
1102. NMDA Receptor AB, CSF Rfx Titer NMDAGCSF
1103. Aldosterone Urine ALDOSTU
1104. CAH 7 Profile CAH7
1105. Chlamydia Culture V CHC
1106. Fungus Identification F Id
1107. Common wasp (yellow jacket) (i3) RCWASP
1108. Cryptococcus Antibodies CRYPTOAB
1109. Alpha 2 Antiplasmin ANTIPLAS
1110. ZIKA PCR Urine ZIKAPCRUrine
1111. CMV PCR Detect, CSF D CMV
1112. Porphyrins Fractionated Rand UR PORP
1113. Cortisol Free, Random Urine CORTRU
1114. Adenovirus PCR, Other Source ADVPCRO
1115. Tick-Borne DNA Panel, B TICKPCR
1116. Haloperidol HALOP
1117. PAI-1 Antigen PAI-1 AG
1118. Yo Antibody Screen with Reflex to Titer and Western Blot YO
1119. Propeptide Type I Collagen PINP
1120. VZV PCR Detect D VZV
1121. Lipoprotein Electrophoresis Lipoprotein Electrophoresis
1122. Rabbit (e82) RRABBIT
1123. Yellow hornet (i5) RYELHORNET
1124. Toxoplasma gondii DNA Qual-RT- PCR TOXOPCR
1125. Gentamicin Level, Random GENTRND
1126. Methyl Alcohol, Blood METHYLALC
1127. Chicken Feather (e85) RCHICK
1128. HCV GenoSure(R) NS3/4A HCV GenoSure(R) NS3/4A
1129. Sodium, Stool NAS
1130. Heavy Metals Random Urine HMETRU
1131. Whey (f236) RWHEY
1132. Cysticercosis Antibodies CYSTAB
1133. Glucagon GLUCGN
1134. SRP Autoantibodies SRP Autoantibodies
1135. Poppy seed (Rf224) RPOPPY
1136. Plasmodium Species, PCR Plasmod_PCR
1137. Phosphatidyethanolamine Ab PHOSETHAN
1138. Herpes 8 PCR - Whole Blood HHV8PCR
1139. Nortriptyline Quantitative NORTRIPQ
1140. Digitoxin DIGITOX
1141. Potassium, Stool KS
1142. Lidocaine LIDO
1143. Carcinoembryonic Antigen Fluid CEAF
1144. Olanzapine Level OLAN
1145. Methadone Serum METHLVL
1146. Raspberry (Rf343) RRASPBERRY
1147. Paper wasp (i4) RPWASP
1148. White-faced hornet (i2) RWHORNET
1149. Interleukin-2 INTERLEU2
1150. HLX CG Chromosome Analysis; Constitutional CASE Chr Ana Const
1151. Alpha-Globin Gene Sequencing ALPHAGSEQ
1152. Aldosterone Adrenal Vein Sample ALDOAVS
1153. Metformin Serum METFORMIN
1154. Vancomycin Level, Peak VANCOP
1155. Insulin Like Growth FAC II ILGF2
1156. MarfanTAAD Seq MarfanTAAD
1157. CAH 6 Profile CAH6
1158. Chikungunya Ab IgG IgM w/ref CHIKUNG
1159. Prader Willi/Angelman-Methylation PWILLI
1160. Pancreatic Polypeptide PANPP
1161. 11 Deoxycortisol DEOX
1162. Peroxisomal Fatty Acids (C22-C26) VLCFA
1163. Norovirus RT-PCR NORWALK
1164. Aspergillus niger mold (m207) RNIGER
1165. IgVH Mutation Analysis IgVH Mut
1166. ADmark Phospho-Tau/Total-TA TAUCSF
1167. Immune Complex Panel IMCP
1168. C5 Complement Antigen C5
1169. Oak, Red (Quercus rubra) IgE RREDOAK
1170. PAI-1 Polymorphism 4G/5G PAI4G5G
1171. Clonapin (Clonazepam) CLON
1172. Tay-Sachs Enzyme TAYP
1173. C3d Immune Complex C3DIMMUNE
1174. H .pylori Culture w/Reflex to Susceptibility HELICS
1175. Isoagglutinin Titer, Anti-A, CFAM CL ISOATR
1176. Remington Toxo REMTOX
1177. Vegetables Panel RVEGI
1178. Oxalate Random Urine OXRU
1179. Fungal Susceptibility F MIC
1180. HSV 1/2 PCR - Aqueous Fluid HSVPCRAQU
1181. Reptilase Time REPTILASE
1182. Adenosine Deaminase CSF ADEAMCSF
1183. Oxycodone Confirmation, UR OXY CON
1184. Porphobilinogen, Qt Rnd UR PORPRU
1185. Nickel Plasma NICKEL
1186. Complete Cystic Fibrosis Full Gene Analysis CFCOMP
1187. MI-2 Antibody MI-2
1188. Cryofibrinogen CRYOFIB
1189. Anti IgA Antibodies IGAAB
1190. Bartonella PCR, Blood BARTB
1191. Somatostatin SOMATSTN
1192. Interferon gamma INFGAMMA
1193. Spinach (f214) RSPINACH
1194. HLX Myeloperoxidase Stain CASE HLX Myeloperoxidase Stain CASE
1195. VMA and HVA, Child VMAHVA
1196. Urea Nitrogen, 24 HR Urine UREA24
1197. Fetal Hemoglobin HGBF HPLC
1198. Fungitell B-D-Glucan BRONCH FUNBW
1199. Arsenic Fractionation, Random Ur ASFRU
1200. White Pine (t16) RWPINE
1201. Pumpkin (f225) RPUMPKIN
1202. Posaconazole POSA
1203. Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma) 12 Ab Panel 2 SYSSCLER
1204. Mumps Virus RNA, Qual ,PCR MUMPSPCR
1205. House Dust (Greer) (h1) RGREER
1206. Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex and Rifampin Resistance, PCR, Non-Sputum MTNRPCR
1207. Glutathione, Total GLUTA
1208. Plasminogen Activity PLASMIN F
1209. Estrogens, Fractionated FRACESTR
1210. Mushroom (Rf212) RMUSHROOM
1211. Rufinamide Level BANZEL
1212. Free Fatty Acids FFA
1213. Comprehensive Epilepsy Panel EpilepsyP
1214. Lymphocyte Subset Fluid TCELLFL
1215. Neisseria meningitidis, IgG, Vaccine Response NMENIN
1216. CMV PCR - Amniotic Fluid CMVPCRAMN
1217. Amino Acid Screen, Urine AAURINE
1218. Biotinidase BIOTIN
1219. Benzodiazepine QuaNT Ur Confirm BENZQNTUR
1220. Mitochondrial Fatty Acids (C8-C18) FAPM
1221. Porphyrins,Total Plasma PTP
1222. Fatty Acid Profile Essential EFAP
1223. Potassium, 24 HR Urine K24
1224. Isopropyl Alcohol Urine ISOUR
1225. Deoxycorticosterone DEOXYC
1226. Plum (f255) RPLUM
1227. Teichoic Acid Antibodies TAA
1228. CD3, Absolute Count CD3ABS
1229. Gauchers DNA GAUDNA
1230. Interleukin-10 INTERLU10
1231. Phosphorous, 24 HR Urine PHOS24
1232. Periodic Fever Syndromes Panel Period Fev
1233. 4K PSA Total with Reflex 4K Score 4KPSA RFX
1234. Cefepime Level Cefepime Level
1235. Fungitell B-D-Glucan, CSF FUNCSF
1236. Familial Med Fever Mutation FMV
1237. Porphyrins, Fractionated Plasma PORPPLASMA
1238. Lp-PLA2 Lp-PLA2
1239. Manganese MANG
1240. Tay-Sachs DNA Mutation TAY
1241. Fentanyl and Metabolite Blood FENTBLD
1242. 7AC4, Bile Acid Synthesis, S 7AC4
1243. Enterovirus PCR, Plasma ENTP
1244. Fecal Fat 72 Hour FAT72
1245. Amikacin Random AMIKRND
1246. Factor X Antigen ANT 10
1247. Isopropyl Alcohol Blood ISOBD
1248. Lemon (f208) RLEMON
1250. C3 Nephritic Factor C3NEPH
1251. B-cell Receptor IGH Gene Rearrangement, PCR BCL2IGH Gene
1252. Cinnamon (Rf220) RCINNAMON
1253. Free T3 by Dialysis T3DIAL
1254. Occult Blood Gastric OCCBLDGS
1255. Swordfish (Rf312) RSWORDFISH
1256. Interleukin 1-Beta INTERLU1B
1257. Des-Gamma-Carboxy Prothrombin, S DCPS
1258. APO E Genotype APOE
1259. Celery (f85) RCELERY
1260. Guinea Pig Epithelium IgE RGUINEA
1261. S-100B Protein, Serum S100B
1262. Potassium, Fluid KF
1263. Cortisol Adrenal Vein Sample CORTISOLAVS
1264. Sodium, Fluid NAF
1265. Collagen Type II Antibody COLLGN2
1267. IgG CSF IGGC
1268. Chloride Fluid CLF
1269. Osmolality Timed Urine OSMOTU
1270. Buckwheat (f11) RBUCKWT
1271. Neopterin NEOPTERIN
1272. LGI1 Ab IGG CBA-IFA with Refelx to Titer LGI1AB
1273. Warfarin (Coumadin) COUMADIN
1274. Cow Dander (e4) RCOW
1275. Black Pepper (f280) RBLKPEPPER
1276. HLA Class A-B-C Disease Asso HLA-ABC
1277. Salmonella, Total Antibody, EIA SALMONAB
1278. Insulin Additional INSADD
1279. Clomipramine ANAFRN
1280. Magnesium 24 HR Urine MG24
1281. C6 Complement, Functional C6
1282. Rabies Antibody RABIES
1283. Hamster epithelium (e84) RHAMSTREP
1284. Iodine, Random Urine IODINERU
1285. Infection Control Culture CRE C INF CRE
1286. HIV-1 GenoSure PRIme HIVPRIME
1287. Trout (f024) RTROUT
1288. VZV by PCR, Aqueous Fluid VZVAQ
1289. Green pepper (Rf263) RGPEPPER
1290. Beta-2 Microglobulin CSF B2MCSF
1291. Microsporidia P OPM
1292. Kleihauer Betke non - OB KB non - OB
1293. Complement Component C8 C8
1294. Echovirus Antibody ECHO
1295. Prostatic Acid Phosphatase PAP
1296. Cyanide CYAND
1297. Estradiol Free, Equilibrium Dialysis, With Total Estradiol, HPLC/MS-MS E2, Free
1298. Insect Identification INSECT ID
1299. Porphobilinogen 24 Hour Urine PORB
1300. Nocardia Culture C NOCAR
1301. Firebush (w17) RFIREBUSH
1302. Grapefruit (f209) RGRFRUIT
1303. Cucumber (f244) RCUCUMBER
1304. DAU5 Panel DAU5 Pnl
1305. Chitotriosidase Asay CHITO
1306. Angiotensin II ANGIOII
1307. Cystine 24 Hr Urine CYS24
1308. Estrone Sulfate ESTSULFATE
1309. Phencyclidine Confirmation, UR PCP URN C
1310. CMV PCR - Aqueous Fluid CMVPCRAQU
1311. Barbiturate QuaNT Ur Confirm BARBQNTUR
1312. Heavy Metals 24 Hr Urine HMET24
1313. Caffeine CAF
1314. House Dust (H Stier) (h2) RHOLLST
1315. Ginger (Rf270) RGINGER
1316. Octopus (f59) ROCTOPUS
1317. Mercury Urine HGUR
1318. Cystine Random Urine Quan CYSRU
1319. Chili pepper (Rf279) RCHILIPEP
1320. C7 Complement, Functional C7
1321. Reducing Substances, Urine U REDUCE
1322. Hepatitis C Virus NS5A Drug Resistance HEPCNS5A
1323. Contactin-Asso Protein-2 Ab IgG by CBA-IFA, Serum CASPR2
1324. Sweet gum (t211) RSWEETGUM
1325. Sweet Potato (f54) RSWTPOTATO
1326. Homovanillic Acid(HVA), Random, Urine HVARU
1327. Comprehensive Steroid Panel COMPSTEROID
1328. Adiponectin ADIP
1329. Porphyrin Evaluation Whole Blood PORPHYINWB
1330. Febrile Antibodies Panel FEBRILE
1331. Complement Component C9 C9
1332. Amylase Urine Random AMYRU
1333. Amoxicilloyl (c6) RAMOXICILL
1334. Urea Nitrogen, Fluid UREAF
1335. Phoma batae mold (m13) RPHOMA
1336. Nettle (w20) RNETTLE
1337. Paprika (sweet pepper) (f218) RPAPRIKA
1338. Antiprothrombin Abs IgG,IgM ANTIPT
1339. Drug Screen Meconium 10 Panel DRUGMEC10
1340. TTR Gene, Full Gene Analysis ATTRZ
1341. Whitefish (Rf384) RWHITEFISH
1342. Titanium, Whole Blood TITANIUM
1343. VMA/Creatinine Ratio VMACR
1344. Toxoplasma by PCR, Aqueous Fluid TOXOAQ
1345. Goat milk (Rf300) RGOATMILK
1346. Lynch/Colorectal High Risk Panel LYNCH
1347. Pregabalin, Serum PGN
1348. Hereditary Pancreatitis Panel HEREPAN
1349. Adenosine Deaminase, PERIT FL ADAPERIT
1350. Honey (Rf247) RHONEY
1351. Neuron Specific Enolase-CSF NSECSF
1352. Hemosiderin, Urine HEMOSID
1353. Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin Child CDG
1354. Quetiapine (SEROQUEL), Serum Quetiapine (SEROQUEL), S
1355. Mold (Acremonium kiliense ) (m202) RCEPHA
1356. Flecainide FLEC
1357. Canavans DNA CANADNA
1358. Amitriptyline, Quantitative AMITRIPQ
1359. Chloride, 24 HR Urine CL24
1360. Prekallikrein PREKALL SCREEN
1361. Cholinesterase Plasma CHOLIN
1362. Tricyclic AD Urn Qualitative TCA U
1363. Lime (Rf306) RLIME
1364. Breast/Gyn Cancer Panel BrGyn Cancer
1365. Mackerel (f206) RMACKEREL
1366. Wilson Disease-ATP7B Gene Sequencing & Del/Dup WILSON
1367. Interleukin 17 IL17
1368. Tramadol, Urine TRAM
1369. Porphyrins 24 Hr Urine PORPH24
1370. HMW Kininogens HMWK SCREEN
1371. Engraftment- Pre VNTR
1372. Alpha Beta Double-Negative T Cells for Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome, Blood ALPSSCRN
1373. Toxoplasma RT-PCR Whole Blood TOXOWB
1374. Ovarian Antibody OVARIAN
1375. Thyroglobulin FNA THYROFNA
1376. Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 MMP9
1377. Listeria Ab, CF, Serum LISTERAB
1378. Citric Acid, Random Urine CITRU
1379. Glucotetrasaccharides, Urine (HEX4) GLUTETSACU
1380. Adenovirus Quant, PCR Urine ADENORU
1381. Catfish (f369) RCATFISH
1382. Hepatitis C NS5B Drug Resistance HEPCNS5B
1383. Papaya (Rf293) RPAPAYA
1384. Cranberry (Rf341) RCRANBERRY
1385. Fluvoxamine FLVXM
1386. Retinol Binding Protein RBP
1387. Tobramycin, Peak TOBRAP
1388. Arsenic Urine ARS
1389. Myocardial Antibody Screen with Reflex to Titer AMYO
1390. Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid GHA
1391. Varicella-Zoster Virus by-ACIF VZVACIF
1392. Yellow dock (w23) RYELDOCK
1393. VGKC Ab with Reflex to LGI1 and CASPR2 Screen and Titer VGKCRFX
1394. Huntington Disease Analysis HAD
1395. Tropheryma whipplei PCR TWHIPPCR
1396. XomeDxPlus (WES+mtDNA)-TRIO HG19 ExV3P
1397. Acetazolamide ACETAZOL
1398. Sertraline/Zoloft SERT
1399. Chloride, Stool CLS
1400. Plasminogen Antigen PLASMIN I
1401. C4B Binding Protein C4BPROTEIN
1402. Gelatin (c74) RGELATIN
1403. Comprehensive Screen Blood CSBLOOD
1404. Lima (f182) RLIMA
1406. Acid Fast Bone Marrow AF BM
1407. Dog fennel (w46) RDOGFENNEL
1408. Cytochrome P450 2C19 Genotype CYP2C19GEN
1409. Neuromuscular Disorders Panel NMD Panel
1410. Clonazepam, UR as Metabolite CLONAZUR
1411. Nutmeg (f282) RNUTMEG
1412. DEB Chromosome Breakage Analysis for Fanconi Anemia DEBFAN
1413. Phosphorus Clearance PHOSCLEAR
1414. Bone Marrow Culture/Gram Stain C BM
1415. D-Lactate D LACT
1416. Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin CARBODEF
1417. Insure (TM) Fecal Globin IFG
1418. Fluoxetine (Prozac) FLXTN
1419. Pentobarbital PENTO
1420. Hanta Virus Antibody HANTA
1421. Brilliant Cresyl Blue BCB
1422. Cauliflower (Rf291) RCAULIFLWR
1423. CEA, Peritoneal Fluid CEAPERIT
1424. Curry (f281) RCURRY
1425. Prometheus Monitr Crohn's Disease MONITR
1426. Bupropion and Metabolite, Serum BUPRO
1427. Ri Ab Screen reflex to WB and Titer RIAB
1428. Microsporidia, PCR MICROSPOPCR
1429. Creatinine, Amnitotic Fluid CRAF
1430. GI/ Colorectal Cancer Panel Colorectal
1431. Volatile Screen VOLATILE
1432. Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA) Antigen TPA
1433. Pyruvate Kinase PK
1434. Sole (Rf337) RSOLE
1435. Free Hemoglobin Urine HGBFUR
1436. Quinoa (f347) RQUINOA
1437. Methadone QuaNT Ur Confirm METHQNTUR
1438. Genital Mycoplasma, Profile, NAA,Swab GENMYCOPCR
1439. Sardine/Pichard (f61) RSARDINE
1440. Beet root (f319) RBEETROOT
1441. Dandelion (w8) RDANDELION
1442. Thiocyanate THIOCY
1443. Apricot (f237) RAPRICOT
1444. Prolixin(Fluphenazine) PRXLN
1445. Homovanillic Acid Urine HVA24
1446. Aminolevulinic Acid Urine ALA24
1448. Euglobulin Clot Lysis EUGLOB LYS
1449. T4 Additional T4ADD
1450. Amino Acid Screen, CSF AACSF
1451. Yersinia enterocolitica Antibodies (IgG, IgA) YERS
1452. 6-Monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM) Urine 6-MAMU
1453. Arsenic Speciation, 24 Hr, U ARSP U
1454. Methotrexate Polyglutamates MTXPGS
1455. Immunofixation-DARA IMMFIXDARA
1456. Broad Range Bacterial PCR and Sequencing BRBPS
1457. Black olive (f342) ROLIVEBLK
1458. Cabbage (f216) RCABBAGE
1459. Alpha 1 Acid Glycoprotein A1AG
1460. Oral Drug Screen-5 DRUGORAL5
1461. Sperm Antibody (IgA, IgG) SPERMAB
1462. Anchovy (Rf313) RANCHOVY
1463. Cereal Panel RCEREAL
1464. LQTS Panel LQTS Panel
1465. HIV-1 PhenoSense PHENOSENSE
1466. Budgerigar feather (e78) RPARAKEET
1467. Interleukin-12p70 (IL-12p70) INTERLEU12
1468. ArboVirus IgG and IgM Panel ARBO
1469. Glucose, 24 HR Urine GLU24
1470. Crystals In Bile Fluid BILECRYS
1471. 18-Hydroxycorticosterone,serum HDXCN
1472. Lorazapam LORAZ
1473. Fungus Bone Marrow F BM
1474. Rheumatoid Factor Synovial Fluid RFFL
1475. Mucopolysaccharides Screen (MPS) U MPSQU
1476. Asparagus (Rf261) RASPARAGUS
1477. Toxoplasma by PCR, Vitreous Fluid TOXOVIT
1478. Alzheimer Disease Evaluation, Spinal Fluid(CSF) ADBIO
1479. Hydroxycorticosteroids Urine HYCO
1480. Mosquito (i71) RMOSQUITO
1481. Vanilla (Rf234) RVANILLA
1482. Diazepam and Nordiazepam, Serum DIAZ
1483. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy HyperCardi
1484. Caraway (f265) RCARAWAY
1485. Zap 70 Zap 70
1486. VZV by PCR, Vitreous Fluid VZVVIT
1487. Iron Random Urine IRONRU
1488. Comp Cardiomyopathy Panel CardioMyo
1489. Sheep Epithelium (e81) RSHEEP
1490. Cytochrome P450 2D6 Genotype CYP2D6
1491. Basil (Rf269) RBASIL
1492. Ancobon (5-Flucytosine) ANCOBON
1493. Dihydrolipoamide DIHYDEF
1494. Renin Adrenal Vein Sample RENAVS
1495. Thallium, Blood THALBL
1496. Oxycodone and Metabolite, Serum OXYCO
1497. EpiXpanded Panel Epi Trio
1498. Comprehensive Arrhythmia Panel Arrhythmia
1499. Flunitrazepam Screen and Confirm, Urine FLUNITUR
1500. Cyclic AMP, Urinary Excretion CAPR
1501. Nemaline Myopathy NEMALINE
1502. Wright Stain Nasal WRIGHT NAS
1503. Desipramine Quantitative DESIPQ
1504. Chymotrypsin CYMO
1505. Alprazolam Level (Xanax) XANAX
1506. Procainamide/NAPA Panel PROC
1507. Corticosterone, Serum CORTST
1508. Galectin-3, Serum GAL3
1509. Cathinone (Bath Salts) CATHINONE
1510. Isoagglutinin Titer, Anti-B,CFAM CL ISOBTR
1511. Brussel sprouts (f217) RBRUSSELSP
1512. Tea (Rf222) RTEA
1513. ColoVantage COLOVANTAGE
1514. Silk (k74) RSILK
1515. Mercury 24 Hr Urine HG24
1516. Remington Toxo CSF REMTOXCSF
1517. Coriander (f317) RCORIANDER
1518. CMV PCR - Vitreous Fluid CMVPCRVIT
1519. Tuberous Sclerosis (TS) Panel TS Panel
1520. HIV-1 PhenoSense GT PHENOGT
1521. XomeDxPlus(WES+mtDNA) - PROBAND HG19 mtDNA
1522. Connexin 26 Sequencing Connexin 26 Sequencing
1523. Cholinesterase, RBC PCHO
1524. Imipramine, Quantitative IMIPQ
1525. Amylase Clearance AMYCLEAR
1526. Skin Total Autoabs (Pemphigus) PEMP
1527. DMD Gene Sequencing DMD Seq
1528. Zolpidem (Ambien), Urine ZOLPIDEM
1529. Fennel (f276) RFENNEL
1530. Isavuconazole (CRESEMBA) ISAVUCONAZOLE
1531. Spinobulbar Muscular Atrophy SPINMUS
1532. Interleukin 28B Genotype IL28B
1533. Oregano (Rf283) ROREGANO
1534. Mexiletine Level MEX
1535. Isotretinoin ISOTRT
1536. Hypercoagulation Order Set HYPERCOAG
1537. Legionella DFA LEGIDFA
1538. Pancreatic Cancer Panel PancCancer
1539. CNBP Repeat Analysis CNBP/DM2
1540. HIV-1 Trofile DNA TROFILEDNA
1541. Hop (Fruit cone) (f324) RHOP
1542. DMPK Repeat Analysis DMPK/DM1
1543. Sarcoptes scabiei (Scabies), Eval SCABIES
1544. Ibuprofen, Serum IBUPROFS
1545. Iodine 24hr Urine I24
1546. Mitochondrial Genome Seq/Del Testing MitoGenome
1547. Whole Exome Seq- TRIO HG19-ExoV3
1548. Cholinesterase, Serum, with Dibucaine Inhibition PCHODEB
1549. Alpha 2 Macroglobulin Serum A2M
1550. Gabapentin, Urine GABAPENTINUR
1551. Pollock (f413) RPOLLOCK
1552. Canary bird feathers (e201) RCANARY
1553. Tysabri Antibody Test TYSABRI
1554. Mouse Serum Proteins (e76) RMOUSETP
1555. Ampicilloyl (c5) RAMPICILL
1556. Amylase Macro MACROAMY
1557. Quinidine QUIN
1558. Osmolality Fluid OSMOF
1559. Chlorpromazine CHLO
1560. Doxepin DOX
1561. Thyme (f273) RTHYME
1562. Chub mackerel (f50) RCHUBMACK
1563. Saffron (f331) RSAFFRON
1564. Rape seed (f316) RRAPESEED
1565. Guava (f292) RGUAVA
1566. Date (f289) RDATE
1567. Clove (f268) RCLOVE
1568. Androstanediol Glucoronide ANDSDG
1569. Cocaine QuaNT Ur Confirmation COC CON
1570. HHC RETT Syndrome Mutation RETT
1571. Thallium Urine, 24 Hr THALUR
1572. Gold, Serum GOLD
1573. Arylsulfatase A, Leukocytes ARYLSA
1574. Joubert Syndrome 2 Joubert
1575. Western ragweed (w2) RWESTRAG
1576. Brome grass (g11) RBROME
1577. Carob gum (f296) RCAROB
1578. Dill (f277) RDILL
1579. Cardamon (f267) RCARDAMON
1580. Rat epithelium (e73) RRATEP
1581. Brugada Syndrome (BrS) Panel BrS Panel
1582. Walleye pike (Rf415) RWALLEYE
1583. Mandarin (Rf302) RMANDARIN
1584. Perphenazine (Trilafon) PERPH
1585. Fluoride FLUOR
1586. Galactocerebrosidase GALACCB
1587. Norpace NOR
1588. Librium (Chlordiazepoxide) LIBRIUM
1589. Zinc 24 Hr Urine ZINC24
1590. Lead Timed Urine LEAD24
1591. Goat epithelium (e80) RGOAT
1592. Kratom (Mitragynine), Screen with Confirmation Urine KRATOM
1593. Drug Analysis, Comp Oral Fluid ORALCOMP
1594. Guar gum (f246) RGUARGUM
1595. Selenium 24 Hr Urine SE24
1596. Rivaroxaban RIVAROX
1597. Tartrate Resistant AcidPhos (TRAP) TRAP
1598. PMP22 Gene Sequencing PMP22 Seq
1599. Walker-Warburg Walker
1600. Prostate Health Index(phi) Ser PHI11
1601. Sickle Cell Anemia DNA, Fetus Sickle DNA
1602. HLX FISH Oncology CASE FISH Onco
1603. Methaqualone Conf, Urine METHQL CONF
1604. CEBPA Mut Analysis CEBPA Mut
1605. PMP22 Del/Dup Analysis PMP22 D/D
1606. Noonan Spectrum Disorders Pnl Noonan Pnl
1607. Budgerigar (parakeet) Droppings (e77) RPARAKDROP
1608. ACTH Stimulation Panel ACTHSTIM
1609. Rat urine proteins (e74) RRATURTP
1610. Turkey feathers (e89) RTURKEYFTHR
1611. Herring (f205) RHERRING
1612. Anise (f271) RANISE
1613. Methaqualone Confirmation, UR METHQ URNC
1614. False ragweed (w4) RFALSERAG
1615. HLX FISH Constitutional CASE FISH Const
1616. Fig (f328) RFIG
1617. Leukocyte Acid Phosphatase FCLACP
1618. Dextromethorphan DEXTRO
1619. Aluminum, Urine ALUM24
1620. Barbiturates Confirmation Panel, Serum BARB
1621. Formic Acid FORMIC
1622. CD10 CD10
1623. Galact-1-Phos Uridyltrans GALACT
1624. Mineralocorticoid Pediatric Panel MINCORT
1625. Mucin Clot Synovial Fluid MUCIN
1626. Iodine Free 24hr Urine IF24
1627. Iron Liver Biopsy FELB
1628. Butalbital BUTALB
1629. Tiagabine TIAG
1631. Connexin-30 CON30
1632. Kaolin Clotting Time KCT
1633. Core Lab Thrombophilia Panel CL THROMB
1634. Malt (f90) RMALT
1635. Common millet (f55) RCMILLET
1636. Bay leaf (f278) RBAYLEAF
1637. Gerbil epithelium (e209) RGERBIL
1638. Rest of Neuropathy Panel RestNeuro
1639. Infantile Epilepsy Panel InfantEpi
1640. LIPA Gene Sequencing LIPA Seq
1641. Cadmium, Urine CADMUR
1642. Phenolphthalein Feces PHENOL
1643. HLX CG Chromosome Analysis; Oncology Study CASE Chr Ana Onc
1644. Cogentin (Benztropine) COGENT
1645. Lepidoglyphus Destructor (d71) RLEPID
1646. Amylase Timed Urine AMYTU
1647. Melanin, Urine MEL
1648. Buspar(Buspirone) BUSPAR
1649. CAH 5 Profile CAH5
1650. Remington Toxo Amniotic Fluid REMTOXAF
1651. Amoxapine and Metabolite AMOX
1652. Hippuric Acid Urine HIPACUR
1653. HLX Prothrombin CASE HLX Prothrombin CASE
1656. Hereditary Inclusion Body Myopathy (HIBM) HLX HIBM CASE
1657. HLX Fragile X CASE HLX Fragile X CASE
1658. Promethazine, Serum PROMETH
1660. HLX TCR by PCR Case MG TCR
1661. HLX Flow Cytometry Request CASE HLX Flow Cytometry Request CASE
1663. HLX JAK2 V617F Quantitative HLX JAK-2 Mutation CASE
1664. HLX Iron Stain CASE HLX Iron Stain CASE
1665. HLX IGR by PCR Case MG IGR
1666. HLX Factor V Leiden CASE HLX Factor V Leiden CASE
1668. HLX BCL-2 by PCR Case HLX BCL by PCR
1669. Propoxyphene Confirmation, UR PROP URNC
1670. CL Osmotic Fragility, RBC OSM FRAG
1671. Renal Cell Cancer Panel Ren Cancer
1672. Virgin Live Oak (RT218) RVIRGINOAK
1674. XomeDxXPress~WES with Verbal in 8 Days HG19 V3Exp
1675. Isoniazid(INH) ISONIAZID
1676. Swine epithelium (e83) RSWINE
1677. HLX MPL Mutation Analysis Case MPLMUT
1678. HLX Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Case SMA
1679. Silk Waste (k73) RSILKWASTE
1680. Ceramides, P CERAM
1681. HLX FLT3 ITD TKD Mutation Analysis HLX FLT3 CASE
1683. Propoxyphene PROPOXQNUR
1684. NRAS Sequencing NY Only NRAS
1685. DMD Exon Array DMD Exon
1687. KIT Sequencing (Solid Tumors) NY Only KITST
1689. Microsatellite Instability (MSI) MSI
1691. Prenatal Noonan Spectrum Panel PreNoonan
1692. MSH2 Exons 1-7 Inversion Analysis MSH2 Ex1-7
1693. Prenatal Skeletal Dysplasia PN SkelDys
1694. Prenatal Tuberous Sclerosis PN TS Pnl
1695. Drug Screen Urine, South Oaks DAU/SO
1696. Tocainide Level TOCA
1697. Goldenrod (w12) RGOLDENRD
1698. CD13 CD13
1700. CD103 CD103
1701. CD56 CD56
1702. CD61 CD61
1703. CD38 CD38
1704. CD33 CD33
1705. CD25 CD25
1706. CD23 CD23
1707. CD11C CD11C
1708. TCR1+/CD3+ TCR1
1709. CD7 CD7
1710. CD5 CD5
1711. CD2 CD2
1712. Stelazine STELZN
1713. Mellaril MELL
1714. Celontin (Methsuximide) CELON
1715. Iron, Timed Urine IRON24
1716. Chromatin ANA Buccal Smear BUCCAL
1717. HLADR-/CD38+ HLADR/CD38
1718. TCR2+/CD3+ TCR2
1719. Nickel, Random or 24 Hr Urine NICKEL24
1720. isoniazid isoniazid
1721. CL PAN110 VAP
1722. Lymphocytosis Screen HLX Flow Cytometry CASE
1723. GAL14 GAL14
1724. Copper Liver Tissue CU LIVER
1725. Glutethimide GLUT
1726. Emetine (IPECAC) EMET
1727. metformin metformin
1728. lipase lipase
1729. estrone PHARMACY estrone
1730. FMC7 FMC7
1731. chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
1732. Siderocyte Stain SIDERO ST
1733. Navane/Thiothixene NAV
1734. CAH 4 Profile CAH4
1735. Growth Hormone Binding Protein GHBP
1736. Meprobamate MEP
1737. Naphthyl Butyrate Esterase xxTMANBE
1738. Clorazepate (Tranxene®) Level CLORZPT
1739. Glycophorin A GLYCO
1740. Foxtail millet (f56) RFOXMILLET